Can we get a Pennsylvania sub-forum?

Not true it use to be 9 and under misdemeanor 10^ felony as for mandatory it's done by weight per total plant matter they even take the weight of dirt on the roots you could actually be better off with 300 unrooted clones vs 4 medium plants in full bloom the reason it was changed is I could run 9 4 pound trees and get off with a slap on the wrist with a class d misdemeanor and my neighbor get jailed for 10 3 grams plants

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Really ? I wish I knew what you say was fact because I'm not reading it that way. While plant weight ( roots and all) can be taken into account, as far as I know and as this code says here, it can also be over 9 plants with another cutoff at 21. I suppose maybe its a matter of how they decide to charge it. For me, I have reasons why 9 kinda fucks me up and I'd rather run a few more, but its stuff like this that I read here that makes me think staying under 10 is a prudent thing to do.
Title 18 - PA General Assembly 2016-03-23 19-51-19.png
Really ? I wish I knew what you say was fact because I'm not reading it that way. While plant weight ( roots and all) can be taken into account, as far as I know and as this code says here, it can also be over 9 plants with another cutoff at 21. I suppose maybe its a matter of how they decide to charge it. For me, I have reasons why 9 kinda fucks me up and I'd rather run a few more, but its stuff like this that I read here that makes me think staying under 10 is a prudent thing to do.
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This is no way I personally can prove it to you consult a lawyer I have a retainer on one *knock on wood* that's how i found out

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So in May of 2012 I got caught with more than 200 plants and ended up being sentenced to 6 months. Don't know what the fine was.
I only did 10 weeks and they won't ever get any money.
Mike Malloy was my guy. He's out of Media. Easy enough to google.
I got charged with the "1yr prison and $5k fine" a few years back. Charged with 4 felonies. They charged me for having 4 "unpotted marijuana plants" I chopped the fuckers at the dirt. Still got charged for the plants. They never weighed root balls. They've weighed my buddy's though. Then 7 weapons on top of that is what got me harsher charges. I had absolutely no weed, no scale in the house. Nothing but Tons of paraphernalia and grow equipment lol. Destroyed my house, beat the shit out of my dog. I knew they were coming so I cleaned up. Hour later heading home I watched my house get raided. So I ran. Called a lawyer couple days later (Townsend) good dude. Cost me a lil over $10k, 6mo probation, DnA. FUCK PA
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I think in the past year, that's changing. A guy who was a repeat offender in York for possession claimed medical a year before it passed and the judge threw the case out on account of his Bipolar. Shit's changing.
It could of been worse for me for sure. My lawyer said if they would have caught me I def would served some time.. Thing is they didn't take none of my paraphernalia. And I mean none. I had shit everywhere. Only things on my evidence papers was tons of grow shit, large some of money, and weapons. Not even seeds. And they found no money lol. That got tossed out too. That's was one of the felonys. I technically had no weed roaches nothing. Because they said I had money, they charged me with trafficking, possession, intent to deliver. All kinds of shit. I said how the fuck am I delivering when yins never even seen me?? Then they were actually threatening me on voicemails lol. My attorney recorded them. Played em for the judge. It was all fucked up
It could of been worse for me for sure. My lawyer said if they would have caught me I def would served some time.. Thing is they didn't take none of my paraphernalia. And I mean none. I had shit everywhere. Only things on my evidence papers was tons of grow shit, large some of money, and weapons. Not even seeds. And they found no money lol. That got tossed out too. That's was one of the felonys. I technically had no weed roaches nothing. Because they said I had money, they charged me with trafficking, possession, intent to deliver. All kinds of shit. I said how the fuck am I delivering when yins never even seen me?? Then they were actually threatening me on voicemails lol. My attorney recorded them. Played em for the judge. It was all fucked up
Me, personally? I'm willing to account for everything I do. And I've a good feeling a jury would hear me. Worst case scenario, I do a bid. At least I know I'm not guilty of anything but trying to treat my illness.

I picture prison's a lot like a mix of the mental ward and the Army, and I'm familiar with both.
I understand but I literally got caught with nothing. They took my equipment and guns. Charged me with cultivating dealing trafficking delivering. Not one spec of weed. Not to mention the police on the scene took my ruger and glock magazines, security cameras, speed loaders and some other gun accessories. When I asked why they weren't on the inventory list, they had no idea what I was talking about. They were pissed cuz they didn't catch me with a bunch of drugs and money and it became a witch hunt
I understand but I literally got caught with nothing. They took my equipment and guns. Charged me with cultivating dealing trafficking delivering. Not one spec of weed. Not to mention the police on the scene took my ruger and glock magazines, security cameras, speed loaders and some other gun accessories. When I asked why they weren't on the inventory list, they had no idea what I was talking about. They were pissed cuz they didn't catch me with a bunch of drugs and money and it became a witch hunt
Bunch of bullshit, for sure. Things have changed so much in the past few months, though, that it really is vastly different than a few years ago. That said, if I could live anywhere, it would be Oregon.