Can we get a little help from our friends? Part 2


Well-Known Member
Well, as do the activists in MI, and CA, and other ALREADY medical states are going in General Mj Growing on RIU, and post threads about their own local issues, I decided to put up a post for people to not become satisfied with things in their own states, where they have medical bills in place, and to see that until we get 9 out of 10 states in the entire union to get their own medical bills passed, then we will not have the gov't in the corner we need them backed into, which would therefore likely get them to face their fear and address this ever-growing machine of anti-prohibitionists, and reschedule mj as a sched 2.... But *BUDS was quick to let me know I was in the wrong section, while there are at least ten or twenty other threads put up from other, already medical states wanting signatures for petitions to fully legalize, and I am all for it, but I believe there is an order of things to take place in this process, which first is to get bills passed for ALL states, and THEN all push together for a full-out legalization.. Because the whole mindset of "I'm a patient, not a criminal" just implies that if one isnt a patient, then they are a criminal, which we all know is complete bullshit... So, All I'm asking for is a lil support, at least from my fellow SOUTHERN activists that I KNOW r all up in here... So, I'm only one man guys and gals... Speak up, and let your voices be heard along with me on here, and everywhere u can!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Stillbuzzin'... Itz about as quiet on this sad post as it probably was in the MS senate this past month, when they shot down S.B. 2252... I can see Imo haveta end up moving the fuck away from the South, and find a sanctuary where people are more passionate about the thing that means soooo much to me in my life... 3 replies to this... What a sorry return to my cry of "Is there anybody out there?" Now someone can post a Pink Floyd video... That'll get the South to a legal status, I bet... :-/


I am a Mississippian and I had sent countless personal emails to the all our Senators asking for support of SB 2252. Lots of those emails fell on deaf ears, but I did get replys from Judiciary A committee members after the bill was shot down. These senators are pointing the finger at the Committee Chairman, one Briggs Hopson(R) first term senator from Vicksburg. He is responsible for killing SB 2252. I did fire off a scathing email to Hopson reminding him that he will pay a price for his lack of compassion and that he will be dealt with at the Ballot Box. But the senators that wrote me said they intended to keep fighting until we get it signed into law. Sounds to me like a lot of big talk, because not one of them had the guts to co-sponsor the bill for the author Sen. Deborah Dawkins(D) The republicans in MS are due for a good ass whippin come election day. And as far as I know, the AL. bill is still alive. It is disappointing we did not get any help from Norml, they have sent lobbyists to try and twist the arms of politicians. I encourage everybody, especially Mississippians to email Sen. Briggs Hopson at [SIZE=-1][email protected][/SIZE] and give him a piece of your mind. Thanks to gangagod for being in the fight with us. We will succeed!


Well-Known Member
Thank you turbo210! Briggs Hopson is a giant, anti-cannabis, douchebag, who doesn't belong in any political seat... If u live in his district in MS, PLEASE do not vote for him, even if he promises a plant in every yard... He is a crooked snake, who seeks to undermine the MS medical mj movement... I'll be willing to bet he claims to be a Southern Baptist, as well... Even they can't see the numerous verses in their own Bible that show cannabis to be something good that was and is a gift to us from God...


My take on Freshman Senator Briggs Hopson: How does a rookie senator get appointed to head a committee? Hopson is not calling the shots. There is someone standing behind him pulling the strings, he is merely a puppet. He votes and acts according to what his masters tell him to do. These are some Godless individuals who would sit back and watch their own people suffer with horrible diseases. The war on weed is paycheck and job security for a lot of people along with the corporate owned prisons (big bucks) It is going to take a big hammer to break the republican stranglehold here in the home of G13. There is one poor guy comes to mind who is sentenced to 60 years for a large stash of weed. The damn Gov. Haley Barbour turns 4-5 convicted murderers loose on us. This shit is depressing, makes me want to move to a medical state. Any advice, anybody?