Can we get a definitive RAPE thread?


Well-Known Member
Sexual misconduct is the second highest of all complaints nationwide against police officers, representing 9.3 percent in 2010, according to an unofficial study by the Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project.

In 2010, 354 of the 618 complaints involved nonconsensual sexual acts, and most where minors. (I consider this figure bogus because an in uniform officer OBVIOUSLY shouldn't be allowed to give or receive consent from/to anyone. You can't fuck on company time, limp dick)

Its estimated 60-80% go unreported (impossible to say, but probably higher)

Over half of reported police rapes are perpetrated by on duty officers.

The us government refuses to poll and print statistics for police rape and murder.

Youre more likely to be raped by a cop than by a catholic priest (based on frequency of reported incidents)

-there are est. 90,000 reported annual rapes in america.

-Approximately 16,000-26,000 annual rapes are reported from inside the US military (The pentagon estimates as many as 90% of military rapes go unreported).

-as many as 20% of those military rapes are categorized as 'gang rape'

-this puts the highest estimate at around 25% of reported rape in America - at the hands of servicemen

-likelihood of an honorable discharge after rape allegations? Wish i knew. But i bet its not low.

-as much as 3/4ths of americas police force is ex military. Some areas proudly nearing 100%

-statistics claim as many as 1 in 3 iraq war vets have been diagnosed with the emotionally crippling disease PTSD

-when considering employment, police departments prefer veterans. Despite being mostly mentally crippled, and at a high disposition for rape.

Does blindly supporting military ideals and lifestyles inadvertently feed bad behavior within a society?

Does all the endless 'love the troops' but 'fuck the police' rhetoric make sense to you?

Or am i just a bad American?