can u smoke..


Well-Known Member
yeas it will get you buzzed. i heard it from one guy on here you put them on a plate and put em in the microwave for i dont know how long but he said you get buzzed.

yes theyres crystals on the leaves and on the stems


Well-Known Member
I don't even bother with the leaves. They are harsh and not worth it for me. I guess I am spoiled old stoner.


Well-Known Member
You can freeze the leaves, then put them in a seive and shake them and the resin glands fall through, smoke this instead.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah man you can get ripped off leaf, lol thats all we had when we were younger:roll:, mind you though it taste like grass and if say it takes you 3 cones to get high, you'll need atleast double that of leaf or even more to get a proper buzz:joint:

have fun:peace:


Active Member
I smkd sum leaves that was fire, I wasnt bussed I was high, And the buds arent ready. They just started I say smke da leaves:joint: