can u clone a autoflowering dwarf


Well-Known Member
answer yes but not worth it all mj can be cloned some harder then others some cloners have hard time cloning the easy stuff and some can clone a rock

of course we know we cant keep auto as a mother plant for its 9 week life span

if you wanted to clone an auto it would have to be about 5 weeks old to have something big enough or with branches to cut away im looking at my 3 week old plant as i type

now we must wait 2 to 3 weeks to grow roots so we are at 7or 8 weeks so we through into flower daughter and mother will be done around the same time so whats the use

so i guess its why most say it cant be done

the word cant just inspire some and does not mean a thing to others

im the one it has no meaning to
good luck may the grow gods smile upon your beans

im gardening now for a year now you will always get an answer here well most times but 2 say its white 3say its black 1 say its gray and 1 says i im blind but see it as orange you must collect data and make your own call