Can this be fixed?


Okay, so I was adjusting my seedling and the top of the plant just snapped off the root system. Is there anyway to salvage this or is the plant just fucked?


I'm so pissed... I'm using a bubbler system with hydroton grow medium... is the hydroton too rough for plants so young? Has this happened to anyone else?


New Member
I'm so pissed... I'm using a bubbler system with hydroton grow medium... is the hydroton too rough for plants so young? Has this happened to anyone else?

dont be to pissed shit happens to all of us and it sucks real bad.
but whats done is done try and chill and put it behind you(dont think about it and move on and keep strong).
its for the best to move on and forget what you cant fix.
(sorry for your misfortune).


PalmDale Kush

Active Member
Okay, so I was adjusting my seedling and the top of the plant just snapped off the root system. Is there anyway to salvage this or is the plant just fucked?
dam dude that hella sucks but hey its just a seedling right? good thing it wasnt a 3 foot 40 days in to flowering and the roots snap off

good luck next time


Well-Known Member
like he said 8 dollars is better then almost done and something happens, take the knowledge you have and make it work next time

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
like he said 8 dollars is better then almost done and something happens, take the knowledge you have and make it work next time

And I'm asuming the h2o2 is to clean ur hydroton because of root rot but this dude just straight fucked his healthy seeding and snaped the roots so I don't think it's root rot