can the seedling do this? and grow light help?


New Member
it looks like its coming up finally :) i got it under two 18 inch fluorescent just white warm lights.
i can see the plant coming up.
but looks kinda yellow whitesh , maybe the seed fell off up the soil? i mean wiill it still have the leafs once it comes out soil and opens up? even if seed not on it?

and what would be better

2 18" fluorescent white warms

1 18" fluorescent white warm
and 1 18" grow light that shines a redish light but its also flourescent . i just didnt know if thats bad for plant ,


Illegal Smile

If it's coming up it is probably ok, don't mess with it. it doesn't need much light yet, so keep it back. For veg you should have daylight 6500k bulbs, what you have is for flower.


New Member
whats temp and humidity suppose to be? and at this stage i still need my ph level right? what should that be ?


New Member
okay and is a grow light fluro , good? or just regular fluro light? what would be better for seedling for now , barely rasin up above ground. wouldnt grow light be better?

cause they dont need that much light for now right?

but is a grow light fluro a LED? cause i heard those lights were not good


Well-Known Member
Wow I would try to help you but really all your problem is is being to lazy to do a few simple searches.

Read any grow manual by ed rosenthal, thats how I learned at first.


New Member
dude im not being lazy dude . get off my thread . im researching too , its just these nice people helping me too . so fk off. thanks.

anyways :) led grow light 18 inch fluro good or bad for little plant? puts off 500 lumens

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
in regard to floro lighting:

FAQ said:
Now, for vegetative growth you should choose the 'cool white' light. This is also acceptable for flowering, but a 'warm white' light will be better as it is stronger in the red end of the light spectrum which is more suitable for flowering.
and no offence, but you really havn't really researcxhed anything then. i personally wouldn't have bothered growing until i knew the answers to your questions. you now have a plant growing and don't even have the correct lights yet.


Well-Known Member
Okay fine, I tried to use lazy as your excuse for you but you took it away from me.

You must just be dumb then because within the first 10 seconds of any search of flo lighting for plants you would have had your answer.

My mistake.

Sorry if I am being a douche but really you should read a book or two on the subject before coming to ask any question that comes to mind. I put in the time to do some research before starting my first time through and about 3 months of research ensued after I planted. I didn't post even once during my whole first grow. Every question I had I barely had to do anything to get it answered. At worst pick out three key words and enter them in a search engine and browse.


Okay fine, I tried to use lazy as your excuse for you but you took it away from me.

You must just be dumb then because within the first 10 seconds of any search of flo lighting for plants you would have had your answer.

My mistake.

Sorry if I am being a douche but really you should read a book or two on the subject before coming to ask any question that comes to mind. I put in the time to do some research before starting my first time through and about 3 months of research ensued after I planted. I didn't post even once during my whole first grow. Every question I had I barely had to do anything to get it answered. At worst pick out three key words and enter them in a search engine and browse.
Vouch this guy.

Also if reading/research isn't your forte' you can find a wealth of information by searching Google Video for "How to Grow Marijuana". Also I think there are some links on this very forum (they're stickied) that will lead you to some very informative grow videos. Watch them a few times and you'll be amazed how much you learn not just about growing pot but growing anything really.... GL on your grow!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You said:
2 18" fluorescent white warms

1 18" fluorescent white warm
and 1 18" grow light that shines a redish light but its also flourescent
FAQ said:
Now, for vegetative growth you should choose the 'cool white' light. This is also acceptable for flowering, but a 'warm white' light will be better as it is stronger in the red end of the light spectrum which is more suitable for flowering.
i havn't grown with floro's i'm just going from the faq. but unless you want slow crappy grtowth, or just a crap yeild from going straight into flowering from seed, then well.. there really is a ton of stuff to read before you start growing, as myself and others are telling you. even the video's like 'see more buds' gave me a greater amount of knowledge than i had before, and all i had to do was sit and watch while smoking a joint.