can stress induce flowering?


Well-Known Member
i have two plants in soil under 400w HPS, about 5-6 weeks since germination
one is healthy and sturdy, of good but unidentifiable genetics (meaning I know it's good but I dunno what it is), the other of very bad genetics, midget like and sick.

both are flowering, under 18/6 light schedule!
I recently moved my whole op (about 2-3 weeks ago)
and then there were about 24 hours of darkness, very young age, and then some outages of a few hours, here and there, ever since then.

like i said, one plant is healthy and big, the other is retarded, with tiny leaves and all.

how could it be that they are flowering? it is possible that the big one is an autoflower (or even hermie-seed), but what about the other? is it the light stress? other stress?


Active Member
Stress does not cause flowering. MJ is a short day plant requiring photoperodic light changes to initiate flowering. Only auto flowering species flower without changes in photoperiod.


Well-Known Member
Stress does not cause flowering. MJ is a short day plant requiring photoperodic light changes to initiate flowering. Only auto flowering species flower without changes in photoperiod.
I had to bump this because this just happened to me. I have 2 strains, neither are autos as one set are clones from a known strain and was fine last grow and the other is from the original seed stock purchased from Sannies.

I have had some power outage issues during the recent storms but were only lights out for a few hours and only on a day or two. They have been on straight 18/6 since then. Two of the plants had some sort of stress, I think was related to re-potting and they got very chlorotic and had some serious leaf drop. I noticed flowers yesterday, one that came from seed is showing male balls and the others are all showing female pistils at what would normally look like after 1-2 weeks of 12/12.

I'm putting them on 24/0 in order to keep them vegging so I can get clones but I never heard on non-autos doing this but I found this thread and a few others on different boards. Very odd occurrence but it appears that it can happen.


Well-Known Member
indeed odd. don't know what to tell you about that! would think it's just pre flowers but you say like 1-2 weeks... strange. as for the original post - they turned out to be autos indeed, and their children too (even outdoors, started flowering in may!)