Can someone tell me WTF this flying shit is!?


Well-Known Member
Got bugs flying around, small as fuck... not spider mites, had those before, and there leaving larva on the underside on the fan leaves? Worry or not? put up fly tape, I suspect fungus gnats.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic, as clear as can be... They are not spider mites, these are bigger, no webs etc... def larva, and they fall off if you brush them with finger.
Was thinking about dunking everything in water before i hang to dry after harvest to minimize these fuck-sticks.



Well-Known Member
Those don't really look like thrips to me personally, and would have noticed plenty of damage to the tops of leaves by now if they were. To be honest I'm not quite sure what they are, keep us updated on any major damage to the leaves you have


Well-Known Member
would dunking all the colas on the stems w/ fan leaf hurt anything before trimming / hanging? Because i save my trim for hash and don't want these critters in there, although im sure it doesn't hurt anything (but them) I would like the final product bug free... lol


Well-Known Member
I made a concoction of isoprophil alcohol, concentrate dish soap, water, and the last of my mighty wash and imma go kill some shit, its about to be lights off, so let the games begin!


Well-Known Member
good luck. you may need to re-apply to get any eggs that hatch later.
only have about 10 or so days till chop, about to leave them in the dark in a week, I Will re-apply right before all dark the last few days. Then hope anything crusted on will brush off easy in water, I just hope I did not put too much alcohol it it, don't want to be dissolving all my trycombs. lol Not trying to make io hash while its on the damn plant... lol