can someone tell me what this is?


Well-Known Member
someone sent it to me. when i clicked on it my spyware popped up and said it was an attempt to get personal info. looks like someone is trying to get into my myspace account. i could be wrong. i don't think it will hurt anything unless you try to log on. just wondering if anyone has seen this before.


Well-Known Member
Its just a popup scam. No one is trying to steal your information specifically- its just a trap.. spam. Ignore it, and it wont bother you. Firefox usually catches those types of things.


Well-Known Member
its called a trozan it says its one thing but does another. its letting you know your spyware is working


Well-Known Member
its not trying to get your personal information perse....but its a fake site that just collects your username and password to spam like a motherfucker

if you ever notice how your friends be posting some top of the line bullshit ads and such.....8/10 times its not your just your friends myspace account got hacked...

IF anything does happen....just change your password. (make sure your password contains letters and numbers)


Well-Known Member
Omfg... What it LITERALLY is, is a "phishing" site. When you go to it, it mimics a certain login page of a site. When you enter your information and hit enter, it stores that data in a remote server for someone to look at and then login with your information, grab your friend's i.d. numbers for myspace, then send them spam by form of mass spamming using I.D.'s.

If that didn't make sense it's because I am fucking blitzed out of my mind. Like, my fingers are moving but I don't know how I'm typing this. It looks like random spaz's.