Can someone tell me the best way to Quick Dry this small bud I just clipped?

I know its best to dry the normal way but I just had to try a small bud. I know it won't be the greatest it can be, but please don't give me any shit. Its just a small bud. Enough for a couple doobies.

So......I've seen a couple ways on here. But no one seems to have a good way. I wanna smoke it soon so does anyone have any advice? Like I said it small.

Thank all!!!


In a rush, leave it on top of the hood of your hps for a bit... anything hot will work but obviously the longer it takes to dry the better. Too fast might not get ya buzzed and just leave you with a headache.


Active Member
Microwave on low, or put it in a container and wrap in a shirt and place in the dryer....never heard of that before just came to me as i was typing, but it does sound like it would work, oven on low or even a dehumidifier they use for beef jerkey


Well-Known Member
If its a small nugg just set it out anywhere where its dark(on your desk,behind the tv..) and not enclosed.. if its small enough it should dry in about 1 to 2 days.. If you try to quick dry(oven, microwave)you might end up with some nasty tasting shit and might not even get u stoned and will deff smell like :spew: hay or grass


Active Member
yeah oven works just put it on a cooking pan and at lowest heat just dont forget to keep an eye on it

Never Ever in the microwave... just a side note


Well-Known Member
put it in a piece of printer paper, fold the printer paper around the bud, beat it 4 or 5 good time with the butt of you lighter to flatten the bud, put it in a small amount of tin foil and put it in the oven at 400(must preheat) for 5-7 minutes. flip it over at half time
i have tryed all of that oven, microwave blow dryer, it all turnad out to be shit that didnt get me stone. but if you got a propain torch and a couple of knifes you can take knife hits with it i just did it with 2 day fresh bud and i was stoned out my head, it didnt last for to long but when it is fully cured i am sure it will be dinomite