You've been here since August and you have 3,600 posts and a Mr Ganja title? I suppose I could ask you the same questions lol
I just know a thing or two on the subject. I make sure that I don't claim or act like a know-it-all. I stay humble with the knowledge that I have and I make sure to share knowledge that I can easily reference so that I'm not called out on something or told I'm wrong and don't know what I'm talking about. It's a pet peeve of mine when people try to give me knowledge without reference, and when I tell them to explain it more in depth, they start trying to word things to make them sound right. Most of the time, I already know answers to questions I'm asking, just to see what kind of bullshit people will feed me. Experience will tell you, 90% of people don't have their facts straight. When I post here, I will ensure that I double check my reference before I post, that way, if someone disagrees with me, I can tell them to disagree with the board because that is where I obtained that piece of information.
Getting better also requires an open mind and an ability to accept feedback and/or criticism. If your stuck in your ways, you'll never get better. Can't stand those type of people as well. If your willing to learn, I'm willing to teach. I'm willing to learn, so I've been taught well. Name dropping is a no-no too. Saying "well so and so says its this way, so I'm going with their word" doesn't work either. Use your own brain and don't use someone else's reputation to back your information. Let the information back up your statement.
Also, proof is in the pudding. When you have knowledge and proof that you can apply it, people will find you to be more reputable, but you have a reputation to keep at that point. Dr. Greenthumb.
Knowledge is power. Learn everything you can. Let me know if I can help. Some people find it difficult to share trade secrets. Not me. If I can share knowledge I'm all for it.