Can someone please help me diagnose this problem


Well-Known Member
Well you are in flower and the need for feed goes way up in flower. You are feeding at half strength. Probably starving them.


Well-Known Member
they look nice a colourful to me, i wouldn't worry about the leaves changing colour like that to be honest it looks really nice. the purples, greens, reds, yellows. it's all apart of the genetics probably. they look like exotic plants


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks so much i screwed up in veg with new lights and was overfeeding by double and fried them. I am overthinking it.
now that you come to mention it. over feeding can cause leaves to yellow like that. so just cut back on the feed a little bit. at this point you want to be using about 3/4 of what it says on the bottle so if it says use 40ml then use about 30ml :)


Well-Known Member
they look nice a colourful to me, i wouldn't worry about the leaves changing colour like that to be honest it looks really nice. the purples, greens, reds, yellows. it's all apart of the genetics probably. they look like exotic plants
That’s why I asked what week. The plant is changing colors and looks far along but his buds don’t look close
The buds are lacking for sure. I have a lot of budsites to fill and im underfeeding.dont trust my water but working on that.