Can someone please confirm these as Russet Mites?

Those are definitely russet mites.
If you are still in veg, wettable sulfur is by far the easiest way to get rid of them….especially if you aren’t noticing any symptoms yet. It’s cheap as fuck and way safer than forbid. One or two treatments and they’ll be gone.
I have always wanted to use sulphur (ongoing powdery mildew battle) I think I may even have some in my Pantry. I think the main deterent was something about it not playing well with Oil based residues or something? Here is what I have? (by the way I usually always have some residue from Geraniol (banish) or Lost Coast Nation Plant Therapy (pepermint oil)) I guess I could do a rinse with Water the day before or something? I stopped using DoctorZymes becasue my plants burned from the left over Oil based residues I have on them! IS this the right stuff (picture)???69189824521__41400F21-3D7F-4411-9DAB-DF102D7397B4.JPG

I thnk we are like 8-10% Sulfur hence I feel it is compatable with the Human experience... Maybe not to breath in -- but certainly to eat. MSM is good for the joints -- not to roll joints.... I almost thought I was funny...
That stuff will work just fine. Mix 1 tbsp in a small cup add a few tbsp of water and mix it up, wait a minute to let the sediment settle and then pour the liquid off into a 32 oz spray bottle filled with water. Then just spray tops and bottoms of all leaves. Do it a second time in 3 days just to be safe.
Where do these mites come from mostly... getting cuts from people?

Or am I going to get them from picking up a bag of Ocean Forest at my local grow shop?
That stuff will work just fine. Mix 1 tbsp in a small cup add a few tbsp of water and mix it up, wait a minute to let the sediment settle and then pour the liquid off into a 32 oz spray bottle filled with water. Then just spray tops and bottoms of all leaves. Do it a second time in 3 days just to be safe.
is not that simple I also have oil based spray residue on my plants, I think I am going to use Suffoil-x first...
Sulfur wont kill the eggs. You will have to use it until all the eggs have hatched, and become adults. Russett mites have a growth cycle of about 21 days, so you may have to use it for a month to make sure all eggs have hatched, become adults, and then killed again.
I had to s

Hell anywhere if you got pets or you work outdoors hell walk thru the yard
So you never got any cuts, they just came from your yard/pet? I've found most ppl attribute russets to cuts in threads. Anyway I can't keep my dog out of the room, he's my buddy... so what do yall suggest for preventive ipm (outside of neem, i got that)?
I'd trash my plants before I'd use Forbid 4F on anything I was going to smoke.
Yup, forbid has a crazy long half life and will actually almost always be present in your plants once you use it once, and i believe the lable says you cant use it more then twice on any perrenial/annual crop. Wouldnt use it on anything that's combusted ever, this i had to learn. As i Def used to use it.
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I'd trash my plants before I'd use Forbid 4F on anything I was going to smoke.
Totally agree with xtsho!

Don't know about your concern with affecting oils (neem?), but citric acid is a good knockdown. But russett mites are a real tenacious pest. Will require multiple rounds.

Flying Skull Nukem, Amazing Doctor Zymes, Trifecta Crop Control.

(Grandevo, but as preventative.)
Totally agree with xtsho!

Don't know about your concern with affecting oils (neem?), but citric acid is a good knockdown. But russett mites are a real tenacious pest. Will require multiple rounds.

Flying Skull Nukem, Amazing Doctor Zymes, Trifecta Crop Control.

(Grandevo, but as preventative.)

Venerate grandevo, met 52/or PFR 90.. on a 3 day rotations done in 3 weeks with entirely OMRI products but can't spray the last 4 weeks but all these products have secondary MoAs and you can put into soil and will continue to work untill harvest... clean up with zerotol
Grandevo is a ingestable poison so use it after the knock down or other contact based MoAs like pyganic(which is an ovacide as well as a knock down)or the met 52 in high pressure enviroments
I have both Grandevo and Venerate, purchased toward a previous Aphid issue. They are at keast 5 years old however -- I should find out the shelf life.
Forbid is totally gone in 70 days.
Bayer, who makes it says 56 days and its gone.
Efficacy and it being present in plant material are 2 different things, 100% if you spray this on a mom in January a gas chromatograph combustion test will find it present in plMt material from thay mom in December. Ask me how I know