Number 1 The majority of the heat produced by the HID is pushed upwards to your exhaust vs the horizontal hood that traps heat and directs it at your plant's. The main advantage to this is that you can put your plants closer to your bulb's without worrying about burning them, 1 grower I know can get his plants up to 6" from his 1000w bulb but keeps them back a few more inches due to the buds getting bleached from to much light!!
Debunk time

is it that bad that heat is directed to plants ??? for every 10 degree rise in plant temps the plants metobolic rate doubles this means incredible growth
no need to put lights close to plants if a bulb was 2 " away from plant or 14 " its throwing the same power i have run 1000's 12 - 14" from tops with cool air blowing between tops and light but again no need to 23 " is perfect still get a good spread
Number 2 The next benefit of vertical growing is that you will be using 360o of your light, you want to absolutely cover the outer diameter of the bulb with plants so barely any light can escape, this will give you the best efficiency, you will be blasting your plants with as many lumen's as possible. Compare this method to a horizontal garden, if you look at the diagrams you can see that a massive 75% of the light is reflected thus killing a lot of lumen's in the process, lumen's that I'd prefer getting to my plants, and after all less lumen's = less yield and we don't want that now do we!
Debunk time simple any light shinning 360 degrees will in fact lose umol readings
anyone got par reader i dare yea to turn on that light and check par readings 6 " 10" 20 : away
Comparing that to a reflected light getting all of the light directed one way
Again Which way do you think would win as in par 600 horizontal with reflector 6 " 10 " 20 "
put your money on the horizontal for better par readings
i like how its says 75 percent of the light is reflected thus losing lumens lol lumens are for humans
again anyone got a par reader ??? check it out you might be shocked ..
oh by the way most good reflectors you lose 5 percent compared to losing the intensity 360 degrees
Benefit Number 3, This next benefit is for space, the amount of space you save by growing is phenomenal, a 600w lamp would be fit for a 4X4 area at very most, and even this is only a low 37.5 watts per square foot. compare this to a vertical set up, you could have a vert system 3 foot in diameter but 8 foot high and fill it with 300 plants have 5 of these in one room......ya get the idea?
Debunk time 300 plants one bulb 3 foot by 8 high giving you what ??? anyone ???? 30 watts or less per 24 Sq feet lot less then 37.5 watts in that given 16 Sq foot imprint and your going to out yield i know now wonder everyone says trees there stretched to fuck omg this is amazing god dam i am going to be the next Pablo ..
Yea Yea keep thinking that
Vertical growing has been done for some time now the ones that are killing it are the ones doing multiple lights but again do not dismiss horizontal cause there are many multiple light warehouses bringing in tonnage also..
So what are the numbers you donut drilling single bulb 600 or 1000s pulling down ??? lol