Can someone help with this problem?


Active Member
At first i thought it was a nitrogen def. but has been getting plenty of food. feeding everyother watering at recomended dose. other plants in room under samd cond. are doing ok. If its PH than can i get specifics on how much vinegar or something like that to use.

If anyone can let me know whats happening i would appreciate it.
I might not be able to reply right away because Im on my way out, but will be back on later.



Active Member
A little over three weeks of flowering. still has at least a month left to go. Is it normal forthem to do that this early in flowering?

Green Gemstone Man

Active Member
I'm not expert but it looks identical to the Potassium deficient plants showed in the Grow FAQ.

Lacking nitrogen and potassium looks has similar symptoms but if you look carefully the lacking potassium has extremely green veins (similar to your plant), but unlike the plant that needs nitrogen in this links.



Active Member
makes total sense! i completely overlooked the potassium! i think thats what it is. So do i flush? i actually just watered with a gallon of reg. tap water with 30ml of vinegar, so i can flush more if you think it would help. thanx for tha feedback.


Well-Known Member
Dont use vineger!!!

buy some ph up and down and a bloody ph kit for fuck's sake!!

Its a pretty important part of indoor growing , dont see how people just dont think they dont need one.

I've read a few posts about people using vinegar for ph'ing , and then theyre plants die. Why? because vinegar isnt stable and will degrade and ure ph will fluctuate. which = dead plants.

Hope i helped..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id lean towards the potassium issue since in flower you all but stop any nitrogen feed as you want the plant to flower and nitrogen in flower tells it to keep vegging and growing thats why in flower nitrogen is cut off and potasaium and phosphorus amounts are upped. Yeah Im not a vinager fan or such I reccomend using actual ph up and down its cheap and readily availiable almost in every city.Make sure your phing your water and testing the run off to see what the soil ph is at to avoid these kinda issues