can someone help please? been having a prob for a while now..


Active Member
the problem started out in like week 2 plus or minus a few days. im using random seeds along with some plants that are KC-33 and all the plants are having the same problem along with one or two here and there are having separate problems.
you should be able to see the problems in the pictures ill post, but just to describe, the main problem is that the lower leafs are turning yellow, usually its yellowing starting from the tips and the sides of the leafs and is going inwards and leaving the veins green until it gets too bad to the point that the leaf is drooping and ready to fall off. which they usually do drop off after long enough. the problem is always at the bottom of the plants. sometimes they yellow completely, but sometimes there is a leaf here and there that will have narcosis dead brown looking spots on the edges. the petioles usually are purple, and sometimes the main stem will get slight streaks of red/purple on them but not many of the plants have that.

the symptoms made me think it was maybe a magnesium deficiency, so I invested in some Epsom salt and created a foliar spray at 420ppm of Epsom salt as recommended from a video of a grower named hygrohybrid on youtube. I also read that sometimes calcium can be overdone leading to a magnesium lockout, so I stopped using cal-mag (GH's version) and supplemented 300-400 ppm of Epsom salt in place of it to try and dial the calcium back so the plants could receive magnesium better. I also lowered the ph to 6.0 so that the calcium could be uptaken better. I did that because im using a coco coir and I read up about cec and how it adsorbs those nutrients and if the calcium is dominantly adsorbed into the coco that it can be hard to fix and lowering ph and taking CA out of nutrients will help dial in a better level.

but it was not helping at all, leafs were still falling off and yellowing was still spreading.. also ive had this problem not only in coco but I have a plant that's in miracle grow potting soil just to see if my coco was no good. (the coco came from a grower that was switching to hydro) so idk how it was buffered or what was in it before I got it. I flushed it with RO water first reading was 300ppm and flushed it until ppms came out at 100 or so, but still didn't know..

all the plants were started indoors in a small little grow box I made in my closet, I used 4x 2' t5ho bulb fixture for them and kept it far enough away I thought. but I tried raising the lights but that didn't seem to help. so I invested in a thermometer and the average temps were 88-92 sometimes upto 93 on some days so I tried getting the ventilation running better but for discreet reasons I couldn't. so I tried moving the plants out doors and they have been outside and the problem has still gotten worse..

growth doesn't seem to be stunned. the roots look decently healthy, some look like a tanish brown color but this could be because ive used seaweed/kelp extracts and flouralicious plus and other stuff like that. they were discolored somewhat but they weren't slimy. I don't keep them wet enough to get root rot, they get nice and dry every other day.

I thought it could possibly match a potassium or phosphorus deficiency, so I tried on one plant giving it some hydroplex at .5-4-10 at like 300ppm or so in-between watering and it now shows signs of nute burn and the yellow leafs on the bottom are even worse and it seems like they are ready to fall off..

i don't know if im over doing the nutrients, or not giving them in the right proportions, but here are a couple of the nute solutions ive mixed up and given them starting at the point where they had the first set of leafs with 5 fingers.

started at 10ppm for 1gal
300ppm of calimagic
340ppm of GH micro
180ppm of GH grow
160ppm GH bloom
2 drops of super thrive
came out at 1020ppm but added water until it hit 800ppm and ph'd to 6.2

i did another one :

3/4 teaspoon Epsom salt (340 ppm)
1ml GH micro (340 ppm)
1ml GH grow (200ppm)
1ml GH bloom (220ppm)
1 drop of super thrive
ph'd to 5.9 and total ppm was 1100 because I tested the run off of 20 plants in coco and the ph was 6.4-6.6 and the ppm's were in the 300's-500's
even after i realized this was very high ppms for such young plants, i never noticed any nute burn ever

ive also tried increasing the co2 levels in the grow room because there was no outdoor ventilation coming in and this didn't seem to help anything. i used the yeast and sugar water method.

the only thing that seemed to do any difference was when i got the Epsom salt. it made the petioles turn less reddish purple.

if anyone could help me id appreciate it A LOT..



Active Member
if you read, i did flush them and they are in coco, one is in a mix of coco with miracle gro potting soil and one is in straight mg potting soil


Well-Known Member
I think you are root-bound.
I didn't realize it until I saw you holding the pot in one hand.
You must have to water a couple times a day?
I would up-can them to something five times that size at least.
It looks like your outside growing. That thing is going to need a lot more room for roots.


Active Member
i do indeed agree, that they need more root room asap, which im working on getting them into the ground today and tomorrow.. but the problem has been occurring since they were much smaller.. when they didn't even have the time to become root bound.. i even have a couple in the ground that have the problem still occurring as i wondered.. ive had the problem happen in 3 diff types and sizes of cups/pots so i don't think root bound is the answer. good observation though! and thank you for taking the time to look


Active Member
I think you are root-bound.
I didn't realize it until I saw you holding the pot in one hand.
You must have to water a couple times a day?
I would up-can them to something five times that size at least.
It looks like your outside growing. That thing is going to need a lot more room for roots.
Agree with RockyMtnMan, if you have those plants in those small cups, they are definitely root bound.


Active Member
Agree with RockyMtnMan, if you have those plants in those small cups, they are definitely root bound.
i agree too.. but that's not the cause of the problem im wanting help with.. the problems started too soon for the plants to have been root bound.. there are even plants i have in the ground outside that are still getting worse..


Active Member
i agree too.. but that's not the cause of the problem im wanting help with.. the problems started too soon for the plants to have been root bound.. there are even plants i have in the ground outside that are still getting worse..
Well... you should have done two separate posts in that case. People are going to think they are all in those little cups. As of now, hard to determine. Too many variables.


Active Member
Well... you should have done two separate posts in that case. People are going to think they are all in those little cups. As of now, hard to determine. Too many variables.
as mentioned above, ive done 2 different cups and done straight in the ground.. i did 2 plants in solo cups, and about 20 in the white cups and 2 directly into their own separate hole dug aprox. 2.5' circumference and about 3 or 4 foot deep and filled with a ratio of 5:5:1 of 5parts miracle grow potting soil to 5parts coco coir to one part perlite..

i am almost entirely positive that root bound is not the problem.. but still, thank yall for taking your time to stop and check it out for me! i really do appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Magnesium deficiency most likely.....Older leaves turning yellow from the veins out and falling off?

If there is any new growth at all and not just old growth, then: It could be iron or manganese deficiency, rare, but happens usually when pH is up over 7.0. You did have some readings higher up on the scale, but not that high.....

but also seems strange that you are experiencing it both in cups and in the ground? Different soils? or did the outdoor get planted with some of the cup soil?

Coco water @ 15:1 is a cheap alternative for Mag consumption.


Active Member
man its been driving me crazy, ive used different cups, different soils, different nutes, the only thing that stays the same is the slightly high temps and lights.. its been happening in cups and in the ground.. my less than 12" plants look lolipoped like no other lol.. the leafs just fall off and itll look healthy until the next set at the bottom starts happening again and a week goes by and they fall off too.. different strains, Ive used magnesium sulfate water directly, for watering and foliar spray. ph is stable.. run off isn't super high or low, iunno..


Active Member
and yes, they got planted with some of the cup soil, just what the roots held onto when transplanted.. but two plants have established roots into the outside dirt.. so unless is something because of the original soil from the cup still causing the prob, or im just cursed this year.. im a little late in the year to be starting more strains, but I got enough veg time to try to work my probs out before next year.. wish I could grow indoors like I want (: oh well.. gotta get my own house first.. cant seem to figure out my prob on here so ill just run it trial and error style and get what I can off of here from other threads and research and such.. thank all of yall for at least tryina help! ill consider all the advice above..