can someone help me please?

:leaf::?: I hope im posting this in the right place. i got a plant thats about 4 months old. 1 week ago i transplanted into a 5 gallon smart pot with FFOF soil from a 3 gallon pot with MG organic choice soil. The plant has responded very well to the change and is doing amazing. it just showed me that its female a few days ago . my question is when should i give it nutes. i only have mg all porpuse and bloom booster. i know its not the best but its what i got. any input would be appreciated.
you could make a compost tea it's basicaly free look it up but if you want to use those nutes. when ever you want to flower... if you want to veg. just use the ''all purpose'' for that .... hope that helps


Well-Known Member
That depends on what's in FFOF (not sold near me). Is a fully fertilized soil? If so, you'll have to wait till she tells you she needs food.

What stage of growth are you in? I assume you're outdoors at four months growth....


Active Member
Fox farm is organic with bat guano, casting, and should be good to go 2-3 weeks after transplant to start nutes at 1/4 strength...again, 1/4 strength... and once more, 1/4 strength! Lol jp but ffof soil plus too much MG = dead plant

Im in the same soil and started nutes 2 weeks post transplant and was fine...i used FF nutes though so syart at 1/4 strength lol :)


Well-Known Member
:leaf::?: I hope im posting this in the right place. i got a plant thats about 4 months old. 1 week ago i transplanted into a 5 gallon smart pot with FFOF soil from a 3 gallon pot with MG organic choice soil. The plant has responded very well to the change and is doing amazing. it just showed me that its female a few days ago . my question is when should i give it nutes. i only have mg all porpuse and bloom booster. i know its not the best but its what i got. any input would be appreciated.
NO NUTES! Not for a month at least! Use plain Beastie Bloomz or other high phosphorus/potassium fert (0-50-35 or so) added 1/2 strength about 2 weeks after transplant. FF OF has nutes and at this stage if you give grow nutes or any higher nitrogen fert you will get nitrogen overdose.


Well-Known Member
:leaf::?: I hope im posting this in the right place. i got a plant thats about 4 months old. 1 week ago i transplanted into a 5 gallon smart pot with FFOF soil from a 3 gallon pot with MG organic choice soil. The plant has responded very well to the change and is doing amazing. it just showed me that its female a few days ago . my question is when should i give it nutes. i only have mg all porpuse and bloom booster. i know its not the best but its what i got. any input would be appreciated.
If it's in flower, go to Lowe's, look in the vegetable seed rack, and they have envelopes of 'burpee' brand ferts that are 0-15-11.
It is only 2.99 per package, and you don't use very much, 1/2 tsp per 2 gallons I think, anyway I mixed 1/4 tsp for 1 gallon.
Make sure you keep giving plenty of light!