can someone answer this?


Well-Known Member
yes blazedklown they are old. i am thinking mercury vapor. well it looks like the yehs out way the nehs........
Well, actually i read MOST of the thread. I really didn't feel the need to read all of this nonsense. First of all, are they yours? No. Shouldn't you ask first if you can have them, whether or not they are being used currently? Stealing gives the rest of us a bad name and we don't appreciate it. Second, mercury vapor can NOT be used for growing. The nehs outweigh the yehs, sorry.

Peace Love and Happiness


Active Member
Let's just say you are get them down without killing yourself and they are MH or HPS. In order to use them you'll need to rig up a ballast to plug them in, and if that's done incorrectly you might burn down your house. I'm a city worker and I can vouch for the fact that cities and counties use either MH or HPS lighting for commercial use. Might not be worth it though.


Well-Known Member
:peace:thanks catskill. never thought of that aspect. racer did you read anything?who ever said stealing? if u read everything u would have know i said they were not live. . and i bought 3 achers of land and the lights are on it. i goto settlement on tuesday the 31st. the guy had a barn that fell apart. thats what the lights were hitting. i will nerver hook them up . so its eather i get them down or leave up forever....ands it is close yes and nos:peace:


Well-Known Member
dude i was thinking the same shit bout the lights...but i was actually thinking about the ones that be on the condos like the street lights that apartment buildings be using!!
i brought one down but it was burnt out i guess but i think getting one from a building with a short ladder is easier than that high as poll


Well-Known Member
shit im sorry guys i didnt read the whole thread i know i know..
how many watts is it those lights im talking about?


Well-Known Member
You can still flower with that 1kw metal halide... You'll get 600w hps size nugs but hell, nothing wrong with that.

Buy a new bulb... Don't even try to use the old one.


Well-Known Member
the lights are better then the 2 40 watt 4' flur. tubes and cfls i am using now for flowering. the buds just aint all that. plus takes longer. i am not complaining. its my 1st grow u learn as u go right.....:bigjoint: