can someone answer this question?


Active Member
Whats up ev1 i have 4 sick plants 4 week old seedlings. first im in a cold state in the usa. grow box is outside in my shed.
veg box is 2'x4'x4' with 4 26w daylight cfls and a grow and show bulb over my clone dome. temps are ranging from 69-75 24hrs light.
flower box is 4'x4'x5', 400w hps, 2 t5 4' fixtures, 3 42w 2700k cfl's shining up into the foliage from the floor, small forced air heater on floor to balance out the temps.

sensor is set at 1' above the top of the soil,60 is lights out during the day when it is warmer it is eaiser for the small heater to keep the temp steady since im in a state that has had snow already lol. 79 is lights on at night time to compensate for the cold evenings (28 degrees last few nights, 58 is the lowest the temp has dropped in the flower box, 68 is what it is in my house lol.

ok i just moved 4 big bud clones that are using the same ferts and soil as these 4 plants into my flower box 9 days ago or so and they are a lush beautiful green.

then i have these other 4 :wall: makes no sence to me. what is wrong with us?

here is a pic of my grandaddy purp two more weeks :weed:



Well-Known Member
roots are too cold , i think . this shit happends to me on hydro when the water temp gets below 50sh... did you also see a slow down on growth and the leaves seem to be thick but not healty.. i think the roots cant pick up nutes when the soil is cold over night. this is just a wild guess ... assuming thats why my plants did that . i got an aquarium heater put the pots in a bath with h2o and the heater in it , they doing much better after they started to bloom...


Active Member
roots are too cold , i think . this shit happends to me on hydro when the water temp gets below 50sh... did you also see a slow down on growth and the leaves seem to be thick but not healty.. i think the roots cant pick up nutes when the soil is cold over night. this is just a wild guess ... assuming thats why my plants did that . i got an aquarium heater put the pots in a bath with h2o and the heater in it , they doing much better after they started to bloom...
the ones with the problem are still in veg. you know what that might be the problem for a while i was not putting my water in my grow box so i was feeding with cold cold water. i know the soil was warm before i feed, i check the moisture. i have recently moved the seedlings indoors untill they reach a foot them i will move back to veg box with rest of plants. but thanks again.


Active Member
ok first my last problem was a magnesium def. color has improved and is almost back to normal.

ok new it ok that my temps are staying between 66-79 lights off and 73-84 lights on? is the 13 degree fluxuation during lights off and the 11 degree fluxuation during lights on going to affect yeild? temps are at the top of my soil. thanks for the advise...:joint:


Active Member
ok so here is my problem.. my temps are staying, 75-78during lights out,and 70-75 lights on. my flowerbox is outside and we have 6" of snow on the ground. i run the lights during the day. i flipped my light cycle two weeks ago because my temps were staying the same and not dropping at all. any suggestions on how to solve this issue?:wall: lol.
my current grow 2 gdp and 2 bagseed expected harvest end of feb.


Active Member
:bigjoint:ok if i do a grow from seed with mh how many extra weeks should i give in flower when it requires 12 weeks with a hps? :wall: