Can someone answer some questions for me? Pleeeease!

The Waiter

Active Member
Ok heres the deal. The bigger plant is two weeks and one day old and the other is a week old. I just fimmed the bigger one two days ago and i added full nutes yesterday. My questions are;
1. Does the fim look like i did it correctly?
2. Are the plants ready for full nutes?

Any additional advice is welcome as well. This is my first grow so i need the help :lol:


luvvin growin

Active Member
Yes,it looks done right,and yes,it should be ready to get some nutes by now.Plants look good.Like the setup,I've got one similar.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go full nutes yet. Keep slowly increasing the strength. They are still very young and have very low nutrient requirements.


Well-Known Member
The FIM looks good, and they prolly aren't ready for FULL nutes, I would only use 25% of the recommended dose as small as they are. Wait until 10th - 15th vertical node to go FULL with strenth.

The Waiter

Active Member
thanks for the feedback guys. since i already added my nutes in to my resevoir what do you think would be the best way to go about getting the nute strength down? Im thinking maybe just dump a little more than half the water out then re-fill it with some ph'ed water?

The Waiter

Active Member
Also the bigger plant already stinks. I thought they weren't supposed to stink til they started flowering. Especially since its just bag seed.


Well-Known Member
The easiest least wasteful way to get the concentration down is to add as much ph'd water to the res as possible. If you can't add more water to the res you may have to waste some by dumping it so you can add the ph'd water. They might be fine though just watch the leaves. If they stay green and healthy there is no issue. They will turn fast in a setup that isn't soil. You should dilute it at first signs of nute burn.

Don't dis bag seed too hard. If it came from a good bag it should be just as good as the bag it came from. The stink is normal. That smell is likely nothing yet compared to how strong they will get.

The Waiter

Active Member
yeah i mean i added the nutes yesterday afternoon and i dont see any signs of burning or anything like that so im gonna leave them be. The only thing im still slightly concerned about is the FIM because i dont really know how it is supposed to look so i dont know if i did it right lol.


Well-Known Member
wtf is fim..?? i've been hearing about this alot but no one wants to awnser me. what does fim mean??? thanks

The Waiter

Active Member
How long do you guys think it will take for me to know if my FIM was successful or not? Like i said this is my first grow so i don't really know what to expect or to look for. Also, i read somewhere on RIU that if i add a little bit of bloom nutes that my plants will show pre flowers while its still in veg. So does that mean i can add some of my tiger bloom to my current nutrient solution and it will show my pre flowers or is it more complicated than that?

The Waiter

Active Member
Oh i also have one more question lol. The roots seem like they are starting to turn a little brown. What does that mean???


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys think it will take for me to know if my FIM was successful or not? Like i said this is my first grow so i don't really know what to expect or to look for. Also, i read somewhere on RIU that if i add a little bit of bloom nutes that my plants will show pre flowers while its still in veg. So does that mean i can add some of my tiger bloom to my current nutrient solution and it will show my pre flowers or is it more complicated than that?
Hey bro; if you want to see the result of a proper FIM, just check out this picture, you have to zoom in on the FIM JOB, but

Your plants will show preflowers when your plants reach sexual maturity; this usually takes 2 months from seed for most plants.

No bloom nutes are gonna speed that along or nothing; would you have reached sexual maturity faster by taking vitamins growing up? I'm sure there are some bloom nutes that are highly beneficial and recommended to be used during veg; What kind are you thinking of using? I, myself actually pour a use a little GH Flora nova bloom in my cloner, the girls love it.

You specifically indicated Tiger Bloom, which if i'm not mistaken is a bloom nutrient enhancer, and should not be used during veg.

Oh i also have one more question lol. The roots seem like they are starting to turn a little brown. What does that mean???
This answer to your question depends... Give us a little bit of info of your root environment. Give many details. It could be root rot if your roots are suspended in unoxygenated water... Too much nutrients could cause yellow/brown roots.... Roots with lack of moisture that dry up usually turn brown... There could be lots of reasons.. What are your water resovoir temps? Are you using an Airstone in your res? What is growing medium? Give as many as details as possible when asking for help.

The Waiter

Active Member
ok well the tempin the res is 72-73 degrees. Ill put some pics here to show you the setup and the roots. But i have 3, 15 in air stones in the res(I don't think unoxygenated water is the issue but im not sure)and the roots are in the water already as well as being misted by some pressure sprinklers in pvc. The pictures will show you better.



Well-Known Member
I think your first measure in fixing your root problem should be to cut off all that dangly root that is below the main clump. I have experience with a very similar setup and I will tell you that there is no harm whatsoever in cutting the roots back a much as necessary as long as the plant is past its infancy stage. The roots will grow back very quickly and stronger. Make sure that the blade you use is very well cleaned first.

Next I might look at trying to lower your res temp a couple of degrees if possible. My experience tells me 70 is perfect.

Are you able to check the pH of your reservoir?

The Waiter

Active Member
Well i think i figured out the problem. When i changed my water i didnt let it sit out and the ph got up pretty high. I lowered the ph and my roots are already lookin much better. Since there so deep in the water already i also decided to remove the sprinkler system. Do you think thats a good idea? Also as far as lowering the temp, im gonna put a fan in the room today and see if that does the trick.


Well-Known Member
Well i think i figured out the problem. When i changed my water i didnt let it sit out and the ph got up pretty high. I lowered the ph and my roots are already lookin much better. Since there so deep in the water already i also decided to remove the sprinkler system. Do you think thats a good idea? Also as far as lowering the temp, im gonna put a fan in the room today and see if that does the trick.

Dood, the root in picture 3 looks like it is developing root ROT. Has your plant started looking droopy like it has been over or underwatered? It looks like your roots were suspended in unoxygenated nutrient solution, and could not get sufficient oxygen so they have started to decompose (ROT). Think about it, would you be able to breathe if your head was dunked underwater? I think I mentioned the possibility of root rot in my last post to make sure your roots aren't suspended in oxygenated water. It looks like the top 80% of the root system is healthy and doing good, so it shouldn't be too severe. You'll need to pull off/cut off the bottom 20% of the root structure that has all the slimy looking roots that are growing into your water at the bottom of your resovoir. Root systems are prunable, so hack away if you have to;

You just need to get that water highly highly highly oxygenated if roots are expected to be growing in the water. This can be solved with an inexpensive AIR PUMP & AIR STONE. It's simple, the airstone sits at the bottom of the res and bubbles air up to the surface to oxygenate the water.

Also it's very important that you don't let your water temps reach above 75 degrees. Colder water retains more oxygen and reduces the rate at which harmful bacteria could grow. So if you can't keep your temps below 75, I would highly recommend changing the resovoir more frequent (like every 4-5 days at least).

Also, I would highly recommend cleansing your resovoir with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and running it through your system at diluted levels on a regular routine. Peroxide can be bought in higher concentrations at most cooking supply stores, or janitorial supply store. I use 7ML (1.2 TSP) of 17.5% peroxide per gallon of water. The stuff you get at the pharmacy is like 2-3% peroxide, which would require lower dillution to be effective. Peroxide is known for oxygenating the root structure as well.

Anyway DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR SPRINKLER, it's supposed to be ran 24/7 constantly or on a cycle timer (1 min on 4 min off). What do you think would happen to all those nice white roots if you turned off your sprinkler? Would they dry up? If they dried up, would conditions be different? If conditions change would the plants take time to adjust? I hope you get everything taken care of good luck.

The Waiter

Active Member
Alright well the roots arent brown any more so im pretty sure it was just a ph problem cause my ph jumped. Also they are still doing ok without the sprinkler system. its been out for about 48 hours now. And as far as air stones. I have three 15 inch air stones in my res so like i said before i dont think that unoxygenated water was the problem. But the plants are doing great now. But if i have any more problems ill be back.