Can somebody explain this to me...


Well-Known Member
I harvested my crop and trimmed all the leaves off, leaving only bud. They remained on their branches for a day or two before breaking them into individual buds. But I also have a couple small buds that I left on a branch, untrimmed. These buds came out lighter green and smelled much stronger/fruiter than the majority that I trimmed and cut into individual pieces. Does allowing the bud to remain attached to a branch during drying create a better product. How about leaving on some leaves while it dries? I can't understand why those couple buds came out so much better. I'm about to begin the curing process btw.


Well-Known Member
Show us some pictures of what your talking about.
That normally helps everyone see what it is your attempting to describe.


Well-Known Member
I am a firm believe in leaving the buds attached to the branches for drying and drying the entire plant if I have room at the time. The chemical processes that go on in the bud during drying work better if allowed to dry slower and letting this process complete itself. Too dry the process stops. I don't grow for anyone so bag appeal isn't a concern for me, so I also leave many of the sugar leaves on the buds for storage. They tend to dry up nicely and wrap themselves around the bud thereby protecting the trics from damage in the jars. Then again I am pretty old school and have lots of time on my hands I don't mind waiting an extra week or three for my smoke to be the way I enjoy it the most. Good luck with your pursuit of quality.