Can some one please show me some Detailed pictures of "preflowers"?????


Active Member
Hey all just wondering wtf preflowers are and i think my plant might have them.... if you could please show me some pics or somethign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
pictures of preflowers are litteraly everywhere. at least 5 threads a day show up where someone wants there plant sexed.
im 100% positive that a google image search for cannabis preflowers will get at least 10,000 results


New Member
And endless amount...but best way is fem pre flower looks likes pear..or a volcano...wide bottomed coming to a point..which will eventually spit hairs...male will b ball shaped n look like a little claw...once u see each ull never forget

Peezo lo gro

New Member
I have never had a male so here is my female's. First is top of og kush and the other two pics are the same plant but unknown



Well-Known Member
Ball on the end of a rod is a male preflower. They will be seated lower in the node than the fems. In my experience they show up before the fem preflowers. Also, post some pics someone will help you tell for sure


Well-Known Member
Ball on the end of a rod is a male preflower. They will be seated lower in the node than the fems. In my experience they show up before the fem preflowers. Also, post some pics someone will help you tell for sure
I see nothing but female pictures there, and what picture do you see a male pre-flower?
OP, I just posted a thread on this but the consensus seems to say that you need to get them at least half to one third the height you want them to finish flowering at.


Active Member
It looks like potential female for sure but still a little too early to tell. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for sex to show
ok ok cool cool, so you mean 2-3weeks into flower...?
2 words.

Google images
I posted a pic of my "Preflowers"?
I am sure if he wanted to search google he would have done it already. He wants to learn from here and we should help and show him ours not say " go look somewhere else fool! "
lol thanks peezo lo gro you alrdy helpn me out!!!


That looks like either a clone or in flower already. Pretty sure it is a female though, can't really say way, just seen enough girls n boys....