Can some one look at these pics and tell me what might be wrong? Thanks


THC Bomb seeds , took six days to sprout with tap root long enough to place into starter cube. Then when the two embryonic leaves showed up I placed them in the DWC (my first time DWC) These pictures show them as of today, which makes them 21 days old. Fox Farm nutes cut down to an 1/8, PPM & PH right on the money. Four 100watt CFLs (since I thought would be ok for only the initial sprouting stage) 2 to 3 inches away from plants. 18/6 lighting. These pics are all of the same plant (sorry, best I could do on pics) but all others are exactly the same width / height (as in pic 4 shows only to be a measly 1 1/4 inches tall) Temp stays at 79. WHY ? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG ? When I grow in soil/indoors, if I remember correctly, they would of been at least 3 times more in size........Maybe I have the worlds first Bonsai Weed, after a few hundred plants I could roll a single joint. Any thoughts or words of wisdom here for me for encouragement, or criticize me - I'm ready, bring it on....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Are you running a correct watering schedule? What humidity?

Edit: Sorry...just noticed it was DWC, so ignore the watering schedule bit...what airstones?
also maybe try stop using nutes for a couple waterings and raise the lights a little, some are senstive as hell 2 to 3 inches seems pretty close for 400 watts


Well-Known Member
I agree with all being said...lights don't need to be that close. Also, what is your water level in the bucket? It should be just below the bottom of the net pot initially.
Are you running a correct watering schedule? What humidity?

Edit: Sorry...just noticed it was DWC, so ignore the watering schedule bit...what airstones?
I am using these pancake shaped airstones that are 4 inches wide in each bucket.... sorry about the delay getting back to you, I'm at work.............Thanks
I agree with all being said...lights don't need to be that close. Also, what is your water level in the bucket? It should be just below the bottom of the net pot initially.
Sorry about delay on return post, I am still at work....... Good question, cause I wasn't sure which was the right level since people were saying both : (1st) while in seedling stage, keep water level 1/2inch into/onto net pot until your roots start coming out visible, then lower just below pot. (2nd) Just below the net pot at all times. ............... I have been doing the first one, so maybe that's my problem. Today is when I am suppose to change the water out, so I am going to lower and try it...Thank you