can some one diagnose my pictures please!!!

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
why are my leafs looking like this. i have a idea but want to double check. i flushed my plants on sat my leafs looked like this before i was told it was over feeding some one tell me what to do
ph lockout and (P) deficiencyView attachment 2285937and next time dont cut off those leafs! it has to heal itself now and grow more leafs, as you stunted its growth . its a lesson learned but thats life huh .any ? just ask away !
happy growing


Well-Known Member
Yep, ph lockout......are you using dolomite lime in your soil mix and are you properly ph'ing every solution you pour into your soil?

If you aren't, thats a good place to start.
i am using fox farm soil and i have this thing to test ph and it reads at 7 idk what would i need to fix this? FYI i flushed my plants on sat with 15 gal per 5 gall pot plant. thanks for the advise on not cutting them scotty i am newbie so please guide me how to fix this problem i have this stuff i got at a hydro storeIMAG1133.jpg
also need advise what to mix? i had posted and was told i didnt need most of this but sins i got it mite as well use it right! so please teach away guys i want my plants to recover
@green i used tap water to flush plant waiting for soil to dry to feed i will be using R/O water i have this bottle of "PH down 30% H3PO4 concentrate to lower ph of nutrient solution"


Active Member
looks like nutrient burn. especially if your ph is reading at 7, you dont have to treat your soil like its hydro and use ph up or down. a bit of dolomite will go a long way and keep you from screwing things up. a flush is a good thing, and i agree not to cut them off. i see no reason to be using anything other than the fox farm nutes once your girls have used up a bit of whats in the soil. the plants should have a good 1-3 months of growth in fox farm soil before any nutrients NEED to be added. you can use simple tap water, and let it sit out over night to let the chlorine evaporate. if youre set on using r/o then use the calmag as stated on the bottle. the rest of the stuff you have there is pretty much just gimmicky bs, my two cents at least.
What made you decide to pick out those specific items? if it was the people working the hydro store, looks like they just took you for a ride and tried to sell you anything they could.
if you saw their wholesale catalog you would sht yourself looking at the price mark ups.
the guy at the hydro store said this stuff would be good for my plants.>.< oh well i paid for it might as well use it right? 2 of them are good for root growth it states in the bottles. the reason i got the fox farm nutes was because i had them in different soil in veg two i got from a person i dont really know dont know the type of soil or what they put in it so i read on line that fox farm ocean forest is good soil around. anyways so i transfer plants into 5 gallon tubs i dont know much if mixing two type of soils i dont know i might be over thinking it i just wanted to be on the safe side. its last time i ever listen to damn ppl at hydro store. well i have all this stuff i could use it right to make my plants even happier right? before i get to anything else where would i buy this dolomite stuff?
now sins i have all this the guy told me to mix it like this. i showed him a picture of my plants and he said i had Ph n P problems so he said to flush plants with 3 gall of water per every gallon so i did 3x5= 15 gall per plant to flush everything out. he said to let soil dry and then to feed this mix Big bloom, rapid root, bio-cozy, CaMag, liquid karma then let it dry out then water with to flush out nutes then to feed tiger bloom, CaMag, liquid karma then to let soil dry then feed water then start all over with big bloom n the rest of the stuff. i want to use this stuff cus i lost me receipt from hydro store lol thanks again too all you guys who took their time to help me!!!
does this work


Active Member
wow tellin you to flush between every nute feeding? or telling you to just water them between feedings?
sounds like they are making it more complicated than it should be.
in a 5gal container you will be taking up that space with roots without any help from supplements. not knowing what soil the plants came in shouldnt be a big deal unless they loaded it with time release ferts. fox farm has a feeding chart you can bo by listed on their website. personaly i have finaly pulled completely away from "made for cannabis" nutrient lines. i wont go into that rant since it will only bring up arguements.
what ever soil you are using should already have some form of calcium in it. many of the major brands make sure to put pleanty of micro and macro nutrients in along with the standard npk.
again if you are dead set on using this stuff, use it. i wont be able to talk you out of it. 1/4 to 1/2 strength would be good to start with to make sure your plants can handle it. only feed them once a week to once every two weeks depending on how they look. youll learn to read your plants after a while. remember to read through the instructions on your bottles, some will say to use far less than once a week others will say more. its better to use less than more in these cases.
sorry didnt see if you posted the age of your plants and what stage they are in?
2 of my ladies are white widow they been under hps for 4 weeks, these are the one who are suffering from burning the soil they came in was MG from HD. then i have 4 ladies 2 are white widow also n 2 are king louie this ones have been under 2 weeks. the reason i flushed them was because on the ocean forest bad it say's that soil has enough food for one month and then to feed fox farm fertilizer. sins i did not know what the person used in my KL n white widow been in same pot sins i cloned them. i figured that all plants be flushed so i feed the right stuff during flowering stages to get a good buds because last time i messed up. first grow i had heat problems had light with bat wings hard to get hot air out of my closet. this time i made changes and actually spend money n got hydrofarm air hood with a glass shield with the tubing things that i hooked up a vortex 6' fan room stays cool depending if it gets too hot it stays the same temp outside i live in OC, CA real close to the coast but not close enough its summer so it gets up to 90 but never over 100. anyways well thanks for your advise i will be going to get the dolomite stuff and make sure they are happier. i will feed half doses do you think when i water and feed that one gall is good enough for a five gall? or just feed till it starts coming out of drain holes


Active Member
I would recomend reading through all of the stickies in the newbie section to get a little more info under your belt. :)
this is what i got at HD will this be good enough or should i return it i called the hydro store by my house and they have liquid only IMAG1142.jpg
idk how much would ph drop so if u have any idea how this would work please tell me. also with this do i need to adjust the ph in my water and mix when i feed?


Active Member
ok, once again. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR SOIL PH SINCE IT IS AT 7. Your nutrients and your water are not going to effect the soils ph that much. R/O water is ph'd at 7.
You are not doing hydroponic. Soil is much more forgiving and will not drasticly change over night unless you majorly fck something up. Take your soil acidifier back and dont worry about getting anything else. You can feed straight fox farm nutrients and tap water, or even your R/O water and not have to do a damn thing with the PH.
Only water once the first inch to two inches of soil on the top of your pot is dry. Then water til there is slight run off coming out of the bottom of the pot. If you let it dry out too much you end up with really dry areas that are harder to get wet again. If you water too often your roots could rot. Use the feeding chart on Fox Farm website.
Please read the stickies in the newbies section to get more familiarized.