Can some 1 say if this looks ok or not


Hey guys i been to look at my girls and noticed leaves curling now its not the light i have a 600watt open hood and its about 10 inch away so i dont think its heat stress, the only thing i can think it is maybe i have fan too close would this happen if that was the case Humidity is 56 % lights on @ 24 and lights off 60% @ 19c Thanks Buds20140311_121027.jpg20140311_121033.jpg20140311_121045.jpgsorry buds forgot pics


Well-Known Member
The area right between the top cola... and the lights...
This Area...
Check the RH here, and the temp...
The area between lights and cola, will run 3-7 degrees hotter... and 4-10 RH points lower...
So, too low humidity, and too high temp...
Any thing else I can help with?
Most here would want a picture or two to help...
Not me, I got a big Crystal Ball....


Active Member
Hello there Sand4 just reading your posts and was wondering when you can, can you please answer a few questions. Have?
i am going to start growing but there are so many different reccomandations, I can't find a set one I like.
im going to be growing 2x2 or at most 3x3 is a 300 watt led 3w in a grow tent good for this amount of plants.
also I'm having a hard time finding out the best feeding program I should do with the plants. I'm looking for a good mix of mutes to feed everyday that is not to hard to figure out how to measure out.
any help would be appreciated.
thanks again I will respond to any questions fAst! Tnx Sand4


Well-Known Member
open hood 600 watt light needs to be at least 3 feet away with a fan blowing over top the plants. your cooking those plants


no way 3 feet away bud im going to go see if i can move light further away but i did the hand trick and its cool on my hand