Can seeds go bad?

Considering ordering some seeds off Attitude during a promo. they have but I'm not planning to grow until the summer. Will the seeds I order go bad? If not, is there a special way I should store them?

Thanks. Happy smoking. bongsmilie


Active Member
Keep them in dark, dry conditions away from light, i use a tobacco box to keep mine in, i'm planning on germinating them next summer they have already been stored for 8 months :)


Well-Known Member
they will be fine.I keep in my desk draw in sealed package...some keep in fridge. I have had seeds in my desk for years and they are growning now;-)


Sector 5 Moderator
Think about it, if a plant dies in the wild, the seeds fall to the ground and lay there during the late fall, winter and early spring. When the ground warms up and rain falls, the seed "hatches".


Well-Known Member
I still grow out seeds I've had since the late 1970's. Never did anything special to them, just kept 'em in an air tight container in a drawer.


Well-Known Member
CAN they go bad? Yes.
If they're stored improperly (especially in heat), and/or allowed to age for a VERY long time (ie years), then yes, germination rates will be affected.
The longer and worse they're stored, the fewer seeds will germinate.
I've personally seen seeds germinate after 15 years of storage, and heard of multiple cases of seeds being germinated after MUCH longer periods than that.

SHOULD they go bad? No.
Not in only a matter of a few months, so long as you keep them cool and dry.
As mentioned, under NORMAL conditions, cannabis seeds are supposed to last through the winter before germinating in the spring.
You can also bet that most of the seeds you'd be obtaining from a seedbank have been sitting in that bank for at least a few months before they were shipped out to you.


Undercover Mod
With time seeds germination rates decrease. I tried some seeds that were 10 years old and only got 30 percent germination rate.


Well-Known Member
I still grow out seeds I've had since the late 1970's. Never did anything special to them, just kept 'em in an air tight container in a drawer.
wow thats ....Wish i could find some old school skunk