Can Popcorn Buds Be Caused by a Plant That's Rootbound?

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Would a root bound plant be a possible cause of popcorn buds?

I was just cleaning out my Dutch buckets and wow there were a lot of roots, mostly in the bottoms of the buckets, but not very many roots intermingled in the hydroton.
I double the buckets and provide a gap between the media bucket and the drain as a way to try and keep the drain from being clogged with roots too quickly.
The media bucket and the drain bucket both had a thick mat of roots, we’re talking a 2.5” thick 10”x10” mat of super fine roots, in both buckets
And the drain was about 50% clogged with roots as well, so much for that idea.

It gets really hot here and we have no humidity so it makes sense that there are only roots where there is water.

So could something like this cause the buds to popcorn?

Is there a trick to getting the water to trickle through the hydroton slower or be held onto longer so the roots can get to it and fill more of the bucket?
I am thinking on the lines of perlite or those little water crystals.

Trust me there are plenty of other factors at play here that can cause popcorning (heat, too many bud sites (my fault), I have also had had some issues with figuring out how much Calcium nitrate to add during veg and flower, super low humidity, the list goes on…).

I am just trying to whittle down the variables.

My harvests are ok, but considering how much a grow costs (electricity, fertilizer, etc…) I was hoping to have a bit more yield for all the work that goes into it.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, thanks…
Popcorn - too much heat, root issues, not enough light.

Yeah, it keeps coming back to heat.
The room the plants are in gets to like 80F+ during the day in the summer.

With the tent closed during flower it gets to be over 90F in the there, even with the exhaust fan going all the time, I cut it back to every 15 minutes and the temp barely changed.

I have the lights throttled down to about 250watts (it's only 2 plants) to keep the heat down, so it's a compounded issue.
Heat plus less light....

I use silica to help with the heat stress and it works in veg, the plants look great in veg...
All my other veggie plants look great when I use silica on them.

I also use a fertilizer that relies heavily on calcium nitrate for the bulk of it's nitrogen (15% of the 19% in the total fertilizer), so I am playing with cutting this back during flower.
Last grow I used it full strength, larger popcorn, crappy yield...
This time I cut it back all the way, smaller clusters of popcorn, less yield.

But it all seems to go back to too much heat...
I have worked out the next grow schedule so the flower happens in the fall, this way I can bring the wattage on the lights up, but I don't see the need to crank 400watts for 2 plants, this seems overkill.
Good idea cutting nitrogen back. I've stopped using the Grow in the 3-part Jungle Juice during flower because my cal mag has it and so does the Micros in the JJ .
Popcorn - too much heat, root issues, not enough light.

I agree with too much heat.

I've had root bound plants by growing in real small containers. Only thing I noticed is they stayed smaller, flowered faster, and actually did great bud wise.

1 gallon pot. When I watered I'd have to let the plant sit in the water for awhile because it was so root bound the water would just flow down the sides. Bud didn't suffer at all. There is a thread where they are growing in solo cups. And they have some monsters. So root bound definitely will not cause popcorn bud but heat definitely will.

Examples of root bound plants grown in 1 gallon pots.



Even experienced growers can succumb to this condition. However, many learn to minimise popcorn buds as they discover exactly what seems to triggers its reaction. The number one reason plants develop popcorn buds is stress. In many cases, excessive heat acts as the most aggressive stressor, causing flowers to form wispy and loose buds."

But what would I know or what would a seed company know?
I just had a small issue with some popcorn buds. It seemed like a compounding issue to me...

I put a large Super Lemon Haze into flowering in a 7g pot and didn't account for the extra stretch that this strain goes through when it flips. I neglected to clean up the under canopy so there was a lot of sub par bud growth underneath the main buds. Last but not least, there was an unexpected heat wave. My ductless mini-split was full of mold and dust and I really needed to clean it before I turned it back on, so sadly I had to leave it off. It seemed like the perfect storm. Normally my Super Lemon Haze produces LARGE buds, some of the largest in my garden. This plant seemed like it wanted to reflower every 3-4 weeks, producing new bud growth on the tops of kolas. I still got quite a bit off of it, not any more than it normally yields even though it was a larger plant this time, but the quality was not good. Worst weed I've grown in years. =(

What I learned is that I need to start strains that stretch more a little bit smaller and be sure to clean up to under canopy a reasonable amount early in flowering. My lights are 5-6 ft off the ground. For people with lower lights they might not have to worry about their under canopy as much as I might.
When your plants have grown too tall for their container size, they may easily tip over. This is usually a sign that your plants have become root bound, and that you should transplant them into bigger pots.

Other potential symptoms include:

  • Nutrient burn” without excess nutrients: If you spot the signs of nutrient burn, but you are feeding your plants only lightly.
  • Smaller buds with stunted growth: If your buds grow smaller, or your plants’ overall growth is slower than usual.
  • Sick plants, wilting, drooping: If your plants have a sick appearance or start to wilt or droop unexpectedly.