Can only upload one picture at a time


Well-Known Member
Please help! Everytime I try to upload more than one picture i get this error message "Your submission could not be processed because a security token is missing."

I tried using 2 other browsers and get the same results.

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Im still having to upload 1 pic at a time. Is there any solution to this? WTF is a security token?


Well-Known Member
Im still having to upload 1 pic at a time. Is there any solution to this? WTF is a security token?
i never did find a solution other than uploading one picture at a time before sending a post. which is an improvement since i was uplaoding one picture per post before somebody suggested i can upload several, one at a time.

i have no idea what a security token is either!

good luck - let me know if you ever find a fix for this.