can NOT successfully CLONE!(PICS) +rep for good way of cloning


Well-Known Member
Got a few bucks to blow? If so - go to a local store and find a rubbermaid bin - sterlite... whatever they carry. One of those 16+ gal things. I have two 18" or 24" (forget which) mounted to the underside of the lid. This will allow the whole thing to act as one big humidity tent and the lights provide a good amount of heat to keep it warm. Depending on the ambient temp in your room you may have to have the lid open and leave a gab for a little airflow. Or drill some holes, whatever you want to do.

Then follow the adivce you can find anywhere. There are a million ways to get clones going - but here's what I did and got 100% successs. (even with a cat chewin one of my damn clones! lol)

The previous night pH adjust yourself some rockwool cubes. (1")

Take your cutting and dip it in pH'd water. I added a little bit of AN Nirvana to the mix (like 1 ml to a glass of 8 oz's) for giggles. I left it there till I had everything else setup. Once I was ready to rock and roll - dip the cutting in the gel... stick the cutting in the rock wool. Pinched the gap closed around the cutting... stuck in in the bin with 24/0 lighting. Make sure you dont have a ton of leaves. If you do, cut them in half. I had one that the cat chewed the hell out of and it still survived. Give it warmth, humidity, and some care - and you'll be fine.

I didn't do anything fancy. I used a razor blade to take the cuttings that were cur on a 45 degree angle.
also great advice +rep. i guess i gotta give rockwool a shot. i feel a lil more confident now.


Well-Known Member
I'll clone two ways, Areogarden or rapid rooters. For both its trim the leaves and such first, then cut the clone off momma. Dip in hormone (Vita-Grow is my fave) and place in AG or rooters.

No dome, misting sometimes if I'm around.

(RR's get CFL lighting, AG, th AG light.)

Working well for me.


Well-Known Member
Rock Wool cubes, temps 77F, no heating pad, no dome, 400 W MH light 24/0. Cutting needs to have ends scraped and split, also needs final 45 degree cut done under water so that air does not enter stem and kill the poor thing. COmpletely cut off the bottom 3rd of plant of stems and leaves, cut all the rest of the leaves in half. I like Rootech cloning gel and I use it liberally, dont skimp. Let cubes soak for 30 mins in PH 5.6 water, shake excess water out and pop cutting 3/4 way into cube. Put under light 18" away and within 10 days you got clones. Water 1 tablespoon each day per cube.


New Member
I like to cut a few light slashes in the stem of the clone to give it extra sites to root from. I also dip mine in rooting powder. I use plastic juice bottles with the spout cut off for domes. I make sure to mist the inside of the dome 4 or 5 times a day and that the leaves are cut down so none touch the inside of the dome. I put them in with the vegging plants but farther away from the lights . Soil is kept moist.


Well-Known Member
Look dude, i didnt want to read the whole thread, so maybe im repeating stuff others may have suggested, but i wanted to give you my 2 cents. Im not the best cloner by any means, but i usually have a 90%+ success rate. I cannot do rockwool, i couldnt get much success at all from it, so id suggest not messing with it. I like using either jiffy pellets or this other foamlike stuff, cant think of the name. Keep your florecent a good ammount away from the clones, the heat and light intensity can be bad for em. I have found that when i used a t5 it was too intense for em, so i use a regular blue florecent bulb now and it works good for me. Id suggest keeping the lights on 24 hours while cloning, and get rid of the mylar. Make sure you are keeping a dome on, but i keep some holes in the dome for fresh air to get in a tad. Mist them frequently the first few days. I dont even bother with a heat mat. Send me private messages if you need any help.

o ya, one other good trick is to spilt the stem a bit after u cut. It opens up the stem to form more roots. Hope thats not too confusing.


Well-Known Member
great stuff yota. +rep for u too. i'll def give all this stuff a try. u may get a pm from me in a couple weeks if i still cant figure this stuff out. thanks man


Active Member
you know some strains are just a bitch. I've tried to clones some god's gift and I would have to take about 40 or 50 clones to get a good 25 . But when I switched to a diff strain I can get about 90 percent success. Try some seaweed extract or b1. I think this is the most difficult thing to master but don't give up .
Keep smoking.