can my girl still bud if she was pollanated?

ok I was wonderin if i got my female plant pollanated would she produce seeds this seasons and buds the next? or just turn male? so confused:confused:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
gr8 question
if you reveg
the same plant for next grow
this plant wont produse seeds
unless it was repollinated each grow


Well-Known Member
ok I was wonderin if i got my female plant pollanated would she produce seeds this seasons and buds the next? or just turn male? so confused:confused:
not sure what your asking but if your female is pollinated it will produce seed and bud.if you plant the seeds next year you get males and females,but not sure your question.
not sure what your asking but if your female is pollinated it will produce seed and bud.if you plant the seeds next year you get males and females,but not sure your question.

all i wanted to know is if I pollinated my plant could she produce seeds and still bud... thanks but can she turn male?


Well-Known Member
It will give you buds with seeds in it...ever have that before? A male plant pollenated your female and now she will reproduce by making seeds.