Can I Use This CFL?


Well-Known Member
im assuming the 70w is not actual watts, its the amount if energy a halogen needs to use to put out the same brightness/amount as the cfl. or am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
it goes off lumens like the 26 w cfl puts of 1600 to 1800 lumens a 13w is like 590 to 700 lumens the good goal is anything over 10,000 lumens and you can grow decent plants but 5000 to 7000 lumens will grow plants the output is the incadesent equivelant like a 26w cfl = 100w incadesant this means nothing really so look on the box for rated lumens and add your way to 10,000

the reason that halogen and incadesent isnt a true say 60 w cus alot of thier power is wasted in producing heat instead of light,


Well-Known Member
I think you may be wrong. I think it only uses 20 watts but the output is 75 watts. Here is a pic.
no, im right. CFL Wattage

Now sometimes there can be a lot of confusion when it comes to power of the light due to poor labeling but we will do our best toclear all of that up. Normally light manufacturers that make CFL’s generally will put two numbers on the box your CFL comes in. One is Actual Wattage and one is the Incandescent Equal. As you can see here on this CFL the Actual Wattage is 23 Watts, and it’s Incandescent Equal is 100 Watt’s. You need to totally ignore the Incandescent Equal and pay attention only to the Actual Wattage of the Bulb.



Active Member
I got a new light. It puts out 2350 lumens. After sunset I will put my seedling in it's growing room, with this light and also another light, that puts out 1700 lumens. I will leave it in this room for 4 hours. Will this be enough? I'm sure it will help the plant out a lot.


Well-Known Member
add it up 2350+1700=4050 lumens thall be fine for seedling to id say 2nd node then add some more thier cheap go to walmart and buy the 6 pack for like 13 bucks and add all 6 then flower time add in the 2700k temp bulbs like 4 to 6 of em and youll be golden


Active Member
She's all day sunlight, then after sun set she goes in growing room for four hours and she is about 4-5 inches away from the lights.


Well-Known Member
dude the next few weeks your gonna be excited as hell lol then it kinda gets monotonousness waiting for flowering time then the excitement comes back


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with high time on the two inches or so, i keep em close but give em growing room ive had leaves burnt up cus they grew into the light and tried to fry itself as for the 24/0 thing ive heard alot of people getting good results with it as for me i think a plant needs to sleep(recoup from the day) so the most i go is 18/6 or 20/4


Well-Known Member
I've never done the 24/0 thing (OK, i did do it for two days on my first grow, but i thought better of it)...i mean if what we are trying to do here with indoor grows is to emulate the natural environment, unless your trying to emulate the arctic circle, there's no where on earth where there is 24 hours of light...18/6 or even better 14/10 is closer to reality until you switch to 12/12...i'm runnign mine at 13/11 for the first three weeks, then they'll go to 12/12 or may even 11/13...peace:leaf:


Active Member
its been about almost 3 weeks now and i put the plant outdoors. its cotyledons died, but the plant is green. if you put your nose in it you can smell it. the fourth node is coming in. here is an older pic. about a week ago, can't find my camera so can't take recent pics, will have some soon



Active Member
its top soil, but i put clay on top of the top soil so it will be stealthy, I put about 2 square feet of top soil underneath the clay. it blends right into the area.:weed:


Well-Known Member
that clays horrible to put anywhere near your plants its jus not good in general with it on top every time you water its seeping down into your soil mix cloggin up drainage