Can i use neem oil on seedlings for fungus gnats


got some 3 week old seedlings and im getting hit with fungus gnats pretty bad, can i use neem oil at this age? i would like to beat the problem now before it gets much worse, but not sure if its suitable at a young age. Anybodys thoughts would be great thank you!
got some 3 week old seedlings and im getting hit with fungus gnats pretty bad, can i use neem oil at this age? i would like to beat the problem now before it gets much worse, but not sure if its suitable at a young age. Anybodys thoughts would be great thank you!
You can neem seedlings. Don't put them under any direct light until they are totally dry or they will burn badly.

For fungus gnats you can get BT mosquito bits or crush up BT mosquito dunks and sprinkle them on the soil when you water. That will kill off the larvae and break the reproductive cycle.
^^^ like @bam0813 says.

For neem to do anything, the bug has to eat it. The adult gnats don't feed on the plant. The adults aren't the problem. They're just an annoyance. It's the larvae in the soil that do the damage.

You've got to break their reproductive cycle.