Can I use brown sugar in my final flush??


Well-Known Member
Why would you wanna mix an Organic Growing technique with a Chemical one ?

They are not compatible.

You think that sugar is gonna make your buds sweet :rolleyes:

Well-Known Member
do it late enough that you wont be upset if it kills your plants.

DO NOT spray sugar water on your buds.

I would use the sugar for your tea, and not your buds.


Well-Known Member
can i keep putting brown sugar in my RO water during the last couple of weeks during the flush cycle?? does the final flush have to be just water??
i cant see why not, lots of people use molasses in the final flush and its meant to do something similar to the brown i wouldnt see any problems with it. if you're hesitant just do it on a 1 plant to start and see how it responds :)

Well-Known Member
It is also good for making a assortment of cookies.
I made some pound cake with sugar and gaga butter I made from all my fan leaves, Excellent use of sugar!

I think maybe some powdered sugar on the floor around the plants would be pretty, or no actually I think glitter would be better.


Well-Known Member
I made some pound cake with sugar and gaga butter I made from all my fan leaves, Excellent use of sugar!

I think maybe some powdered sugar on the floor around the plants would be pretty, or no actually I think glitter would be better.

This is a Marijuana forum not a cooking forum.



Active Member
cooking mary J...

well, i thought it was a nice substitue for molasses.. i'm still wondering though... should i just use straight ro water for my final flush?? two wks is it??


Well-Known Member
demerera has quite a high molasis percentage so maybe the 2 stories got crossed , but i woudlnt see why not to giv it a try on 1 ur not so bothered about . .
Some people swear epsom salts help , while others promise it does nothing/ or kills.
tried a few different methods myself to see results before attempting to bud, nice early present must be my first little girl :D

kinda drifted off there , but yeh , im gonna giv the salts a try - u go for sugar and report back if u can be arsed
