Can I use a hose for a water line to my resevior?


Active Member
I bought a new hose from Lowes and rinsed water through it for 5 mins. Water still kinda smells like rubber after I put in in the res. Is this ok for my plants. Dont wanny carry a 5 gallon bucket any more.


Well-Known Member
My sisters and I used to drink directly from a garden hose when we were kids ALL the time. Never hurt us. In fact, we kind of like the taste that the hose gave the water. It was always so cool and refreshing in the Summer. I don't think it would be an issue at all. Just make sure you PH your water after you get it to the level you want the reservoir.


Well-Known Member
IMO no the smell and taste is not OK.
Home depot has hoses for drinking water connectoins to motor home's.
It is just like the garden hose but clean.


Well-Known Member
Well, I use a one gallon jug that used to hold carpet shampoo and it still smells like the shampoo. I wouldn't drink it, but it's been rinsed out a number of times and I've used it for about 3 months now and my plants are doing fine with it. I don't think the smell from a hose would affect your plants in the least. Does it affect any of your garden plants or outdoor plants? I just really don't think it's going to affect it.


Active Member
i hand water using garden hoses from 55 gal drums.

works like champ.

go to swap meet or yard sales and can get sump pumps or pond pumps dirt cheap. i get huge ones for like 5 bucks a piece.

you can get hoses for nuthin. especially if it has hole in it like a dollar and then you just cut it anyway to length.

sTaY LiFtEd!


Active Member
I just went to home depot and bought the Waterworks Boat and Camper hose. Made from medical grade-vinyl it says. This is the right one correct?


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't safe there would be press all over it. Our kids play with hoses we water our live stock with them.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana leaches any thing near it.
That is why there is supposed to be no plywood,pvc glue,etc.
In the garden. Look up marijuana at chernoble. Very interesting.


Well-Known Member
Bossman must be a hose salesman or something. I've never seen anyone advocate using a special hose to water plants as much as he has. A hose is a hose. If cattle can drink the water from the hose, and humans can drink from a regular garden hose, then plants can too. They even have a special filtering system called roots.


Elite Rolling Society
It is OK. I have a 25 ft indoor hose and my pH out of the tap averages about 7.0 but it is 6.5 if ran through the hose first.


Well-Known Member
I never said it would not work.
What I said was the drinking hose would be better.
If the hose changes the PH. Then that just seems to prove my point does it not.
Hose sale's men that's a good one.


Active Member
I returned my original hose and bought one from home depot that is for boats and campers. Virgin vinyl white hose. Tasted the water and no funky taste or smell. Happy camper!!!