Can I turn my water pump in my aerogarden off for 12 hours?

My lights need to be off for 12 hours to start my flowering cycle but my water pump is wired in series can the water pump be off for 12 hours without hurting my plant?


Well-Known Member
For short times yes 12 hours don't think so in areo you don't want roots to dry out. Run a power cord to a different outlet for the pump. And your air moving fans should also stay on.
Can flowering be accomplished with 7 hours of dark I only ask this because my lights only stay off for 7 hours when I hit the light button if I were to wire the pump in parallel I will have to take my whole aerogarden apart and rewire it's insides.

  • Can flowering be accomplished with 7 hours of dark I only ask this because my lights only stay off for 7 hours when I hit the light button if I were to wire the pump in parallel I will have to take my whole aerogarden apart and rewire it's insides.​



New Member
Some strains from around the equator flower fine with less than 12 hours of darkness. Like maybe 10 hours of darkness, but 7 isn't enough.


Well-Known Member
What about putting on thick, clean work gloves so you don't get burned and unscrewing your bulb? I think turning the pumps off once for 12 hours wouldn't be terrible, but every day for 8 weeks? That might lead to water issues.

I'm really new at this myself, so more experienced growers could certainly correct me.


Well-Known Member
Take your pump to. A different outlet.. Get it's own timer..what's the issue here you should have this down
I have been turning the pumps off along with the lights and have no problems to be honest every time I just go with my own commen sense it works out better than asking because when I ask anything I get a bunch of nonsense answers
So to all u assholes who told me that turning the pumps off is a problem at all your wrong becasuse I have been doing just that for like a month now with no problems


Well-Known Member
Nice way to insalt everyone that was giving you ideas and there opinion on the question you asked. Still think 12 hours is too long. But fuck it you won't give a fuck anyways.