Can I throw clear trash bags over my plants when in flower?


Well-Known Member
Hello, I was hoping someone could help answer my question.Here in New England during September through November the weather turns really shitty with cold weather and lots of rain.Last fall I had to cut down my WW's a couple weeks earlier then I wanted to due to mold on the buds. If I were to put clear plastic trash bags on shitty rainy cold days during flowering when the buds are at there largest could this help prevent mold?Are there any other better alternatives to this?Any help would greatly be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Plastic bag, rain and plants trying to avoid mould? fat chance, your asking for mould. canopy tarp would be best. Just trying to make sure you dont loose your fruits.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys,looks looks like I am gonna have to plant my mold susceptible plants in groups so I can get the whole tarp over them. Is there any place were I can buy clear plastic instead of using a tarp so I can let sunshine in?


Well-Known Member
You can get some 3mil clear plastic sheets are homedepot I'm in mass too same problem man, shit sucks


Well-Known Member
Should work just fine for ya...just give 2-3 feet extra to help with side spray, you should be able to get it at your local hardware store


Well-Known Member
2 tbs. lemon juice and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar per gallon is what i use after each rain ( if possible).


Well-Known Member
some people force flower early to make it finish before the season ends. they do this by predicting the start of 12/12 and then 1/2-1 month before using black trashbags to begin the night cycle


Active Member
Have you used a leaf blower?
I used plastic and it makes really good spider mite homes, high humidity, no danger.

Plastic is like Hawaii for mites.