Can I take my girls outside in the cold to spray them for mites?

Lady luck

I have about 15 nice plants in my bloom room. I spray them for mites in the summer once a week to keep the mites at bay. I cannot spray them in my bloom room because of the carpeted floor and other reasons.... I always take them outside to spray. Now it is winter and about 35 to 45 degrees outside where i live. Will it stress them too much to take them outside and spray them? They are in various degrees of bloom from one week to almost 8 weeks. I dont want to stress the younger ones and have them go hermie on me but the mites are starting to do some damage and they really need some safers soap. Please let me know if the cold would stress them too much. Thanks!!!


I hope your fast ;)

mites are NOT something you want, get those outside, spray em, dunk em, do what you gotta and hurry up about it and you shouldnt have any problems.

I suggest doing it while it isnt windy..

Happy growing


Active Member
just keep it real short, take one at a time, outside, spray, back in, if you dont expose them to the enviroment for aprolonged period, it will be fine, plants are resiliant, common sense man, do one at a time, and make it quick while you spray. youll be fine.