can i still make it

c cinco

i didnt water my plant for one day my plant lloked like it dies all my leaves were laying down as if it went to sleep i watered it heavy and it kinda bounced back but my lil buds look like they lost there look can i still get some good out of it ????


Well-Known Member
give it time. they take a day or 2 to recover from drought conditions sometimes, and may take a week to resume normal growth.
you should do something about your high temps to avoidd this problem in the future ;)

c cinco

man im in southern cali and the temp has been in the 100 for the last week i missed 1 day of watering and all my other plants held there own but this one wen into a crazy mode all my leaves dropped and now 25% of my leaves are dead (it just looked like the whole plant went to sleep and didnt wake up) do i just pick those off im a 1st time grower so i have no clue what the heck went wrong its a og plant ive been watering it more than i would and its bouncing back


New Member
no dont pick them off. sometinmes lower leaves sacrifice themselves to keep the plant alive. its doin its job just water it daily in 100 degree temps find a place with good indirect sunlight halfshade halfsun.

c cinco

what about my pre flowered buds they look brown now will they bounce back.. and it gets a lot of sun but when it goes down a tree is covering it a lil bit so i should move it more to shade is what your saying


New Member
yeah. longer periods of shade. it will still get sun plants like time of shade but dont worry its just like a human when they get injured. it takes time to heal. i mean idk what brown bud would indicate maybe a part of the heat stress. just let it go and see what happens. i mean at least let it get 4 hours of direct sun a day but put it in the shade a good amount too

c cinco

pla 001.jpgpla 004.jpgc 001.jpgpla 007.jpgpla 005.jpgpla 006.jpgpla 003.jpgpla 002.jpgthe last pic is the one that you can see okay ..the 2nd to last is where you can see it turned brown they used to be green...the 2nd pic is another plant that is going question is are you sure i dont need to pull these dead guys off ...and...will my plant with the brown buds make it