Can I start to Flower Her???

Yeah, we are looking for more of an arc, not so much a pinch. Roughly half way up the stalk work it soft from there up a few nodes. Bring the top down to roughly that level with a nice curve. Give her a few days to recover then flip. Working with what ya got that's the only way forward, while still getting a "yield". Good luck. TC

Thank You✨✨✨
OP is trying to work with what he has available. Wether that be equipment, environment, or lack of experience. 14 grams might smoke up quickly, experience, especially under less than ideal conditions, sticks around a bit longer. Good luck OP, do the best you can and the plant will do the same in return. In la kesh TC
Lots of naysayers in here… Based on my experience (including with 400 watts in small spaces) I think you have enough room there to grow a nice little plant.

I would go ahead and flip to 12/12 now/soon, then just keep (gently) bending and tying down anything that gets too close to the light. Make sure you have as much ventilation as possible, including a fan blowing across the space between the plants and light.
OP is trying to work with what he has available. Wether that be equipment, environment, or lack of experience. 14 grams might smoke up quickly, experience, especially under less than ideal conditions, sticks around a bit longer. Good luck OP, do the best you can and the plant will do the same in return. In la kesh TC

Thank You✨
Lots of naysayers in here… Based on my experience (including with 400 watts in small spaces) I think you have enough room there to grow a nice little plant.

I would go ahead and flip to 12/12 now/soon, then just keep (gently) bending and tying down anything that gets too close to the light. Make sure you have as much ventilation as possible, including a fan blowing across the space between the plants and light.

Thank You, much appreciated ✨