can i start the flush with 3weeks left??? plz read


Well-Known Member
that is my method near enough!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant cure for 4wks tho lol i cant wait that long, 2weeks max!!!!!!
im the same way sometimes. just know that it literally gets better each day in the jar.

i will say tho i am realy worried about my leaves burning even more,i just mixed the neutes to 1/4 strengh but im affraid that theyl go so bad i wont have any leaves to help the buds fatten up. u know what its like if ur babies r sick!!!

i just realy wanna see them fatten up nicely and not STUNT...... i want at least 2oz off each plant and i have 4plants.
i forgot about the burn situation. youve got the basic idea, just watch the ladies closely and act accordingly. severe damage wont recover, but light damage will start to look better real quick if the problems been remedied.
this is severe damage, the leaves r crisping in my fingers, not to worry tho, il feed light and give a small flush just like u said, il have pics up at the end if ur interested m8, il let u know what i yeild of them???


very nice pics. great work. i understand ur concerns. what i have read u have been given some very beneficial replies to ur question. cut the fert to 1/2 strength for a week then 1\4 strength for the second. its not a bad idea to give them a heavy watering or flush a couple days bfore u cut. let them soak that in and get down! the plants are putting everything they have into ripening those buds the last couple weeks and heavy feeding is no longer necessary and can promote unwanted new growth for this stage.
nice 1 every1, il let u know how it turns out, i have a feeling its gunna be banging!!!! its fucking stinking my place out bigstyle lol yeeehaaaaaaaaa green forever