can i start on 12/12 light, or too soons?


Active Member
i have two plants growing inside and in a grow box, and they are a little over a month old, they are about as big as i can handle in my space, so i am wondering if i can just switch them to 12/12 lighting to start the bud growing stage early. i know i can get more bud off a bigger plant, but my opinion is any free bud is good bud to me. how much bud do you think i will get off of 2 plants about a foot tall, main stem as thick as a pencil and appears pretty healthy?


Well-Known Member
You can start now if you want to, I usually wait until they show sex but a lot of people start as soon as they show alternating nodes which is pretty early.

No idea what you might get out of it, depends on too many things.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem, limited space in my box, and at first was taking the plants that grew too big out. (I also topped a few but that only fixed the problem for a short while) Then I stumbled across a couple of posts about LST. (low stress training) This is a technique where you tie your plant down , so as to allow all of your plant to get light rather than just the top. And it helps enormously w/ space issues. Also, I started my plants on 12/12 when they were approx. 1mo. old and varied in height form 8in. to 1ft. I've since taken several of the females outdoors and all are doing well. Hope this helps.


Active Member
can i start LST-ing the plants now and put them on 12/12 or should i keep on using 20/4 approx. (i dont have a timer) until the LST is well underway?