Can I start Flowering Countdown?


Well-Known Member
Yea how long has it been vegging? What's the current light schedule? And out of curiousity how far are the lights from the plants?


I vegged her for about 5 weeks. She has been on 12/12 for almost 2 weeks. Here is what she looks like zoomed out. This pic is from a few days ago. The lights are a few inches away. I'm using nothing but 6 32watt CFL's. Not sure on the strain. She was grown from bagseed. She is getting fed FF Trio.



Well she showed sex a week and a half ago. Just didn't know when to start the actual countdown of the actual flowering.


Well-Known Member
patience she is young they will fill out. not knowing strain you will have to let her tell you when she's ready. its not x number of weeks and its done even plants of the same strain could be off when one is ripe but not the other. posted flowering time are just a guide not a rule. she looks nice good job so far!