Can i start Curing?

My Buds been drying upside down for a week the buds feel crispy and don't change form when i squeeze but the steam isn't snapping only bending can i start curing or should i wait till i can snap the steam?


Well-Known Member
If the buds feel crispy I say put them in a jar with a hygrometer and see what the moisture content is, you could be close to overdrying your buds which is not a good idea.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
What were the rooms temps and RH during the week? A room thats 76 with 40% RH is going to dry buds twice as fast(u do not want this) then a room at 70 degress with 60% RH. It's important to know temps and RH through entire grow process.
Being your room was probably in between those numbers and your buds small to medium you are definitely ready for cure in 5-6 days.

In dry RH should not go below 55%, in cure jars you want them at or around 60% but never under 55%.

You never want your buds so dry that the stem can snap, you want the stem to almost snap, after some time you will master this feel.