Can I save these leaves?


Hello everyone, been a while since my last post (probably for the better), all has been going well, until just recently. I've got a 25" female plant on day 62 of Veg. She WAS in a 3ga. Pot of miracle gro( i know i know-it's my first grow)I just recently FIM'D her. Ive been watering every 4 days, feeding FF grow big every other watering.

I noticed one morning that the top leaves were starting to droop, the rest of the plant looked fine. I was in a hurry for work, didn't do too much investigating. When i got home, 10 hours later, the whole plant was in a wilted, still state. The leaves were dark, and lifeless. I noticed the soil was dry as can be, (this was already a water day) and watered with normal water. The whole gallon, went straight through my soil, and although the watering did help the plant, it still left the soil dry. I figured probably too small of a pot for the big plant, considering ice never had the issue before i thought the roots got too clustered and started replacing soil.

I emergency transplanted to a 5ga. Bucket, it is now retaining water again. But these top fan leaves will not go back up like the rest. How come? Can i revive them?

I watered with 2.5ga in the 5ga. Bucket, with 3tsp of ff grow big

Last thing::any way to maintain the WIDTH of this bad girl?1420845778907-90703582.jpg1420845844895164375833.jpg 1420845897248-72952553.jpg 1420845936950-511314340.jpg 1420845965360268794761.jpg 1420846435640229331375.jpg


Well-Known Member
plant seems fine.

soil gets hydrophobic if you let it dry out too much, when its that big its better to increase watering intrevals and have well draining soil. your not going to over water if you have properly draining medium!!

sometime what I will do is submerge the entire container in water and allow all the air too seep out and the soil to be completely saturated again, again as long as the soil and container drain well there is no fear of over watering

so basically what happened is you let the soil become too dry and didn't water enough to allow complete re hydration of the soil, it takes a lot of water and a lot of runoff to re hydrate soil that has become hydrophobic and completely dry, this is why I submerge it (an hour max) this minimizes runoff.

as far as the leaves go...don't sweat it!! if they make it they make it if they don't they don't


oh and dem CFL's awesome for veg...get a good light for flower you wont be disappointed :) 400w HID would be perfect
Appreciate the input, definitely have to get used to the fact that shes so big now when watering, ill try submerging, especially cause i don't have a drain pan im just using my bathtub haha. And im actually going to be buying the sunstream 400w HPS as soon as my next check comes in as well as a 400w MH for my Veg room.


Well-Known Member
And take all that aluminum foil out of there. Any light it reflects is magnified like a magnifying glass on on an ant on a hot day and it will burn the bottom leaves.


Well-Known Member
get a pan and water from under, let it soak up what it needs, this can also protect against molds and algea at the top.. the leaves are still green n not crisp so they may bounce back, my big girls can take up a quart per day and in flowering even more..i like to keep a pan on bottom w/ water and a bubbler and let them take up as they need..also i prefer felt or burlap bags over pots as i can even put them on flood n drain tables and its still all organic.. its also great for transplanting outdoors, just dig a hole and throw m in, they will biodegrade over time, but indoors i can use a felt bag or burlap bag for 3-4 harvests before i need to replace them probably more but i usually go 4 max.. anyways just my opinion ur plant should come back just fine..