Can I reuse my coco/perlite mix?


Active Member
I'm almost done with my first grow and am planning my next one, and I'm wondering if I can dump out, get rid of the root ball, rinse and reuse my coco/perlite mix?



Well-Known Member
you can reuse your perlite if you wash and clean it.

im not too sure about the coco though.

if you throw all your coco/perlite mix in a big tub of water , the perlite rises to the top and you an scoop it out easy:)

sorry i don't know about the coco ....... I would think so seen as though its just plain medium idk


Well-Known Member
Yes you can reuse both. Most people recommend using cannazyme or hygrozyme if you want to reuse coco as it helps break downs the dead roots. To me though it is not worth it.


Well-Known Member
I reuse my amended Coco and i don't even rinse it, but I do give my plants straight water for their last watering. I pick the roots out and then add it to a large container and reamend it.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can reuse both. Most people recommend using cannazyme or hygrozyme if you want to reuse coco as it helps break downs the dead roots. To me though it is not worth it.
Some organic growers dry out their roots and add them back into their soils.

OP if everything gets bone dry before you use it again you should be fine. I'll bet that the remaining roots in there would break down into some nice nutrients, so long as you get all your ferts out