can i remove all soil from plants roots and repot


Well-Known Member
Going from soil to soil, I can not and will not recommend that sort of transplant. If you're washing all of the soil from the roots, you might as well transplant into a hydroponics system.

People have been transplanting from soil to soil for thousands of years. MJ plants are as strong if not stronger than most.:wall:


No pics yet. Yes I'm freaking out. no stress at all. I'm using mg soil. I should have left a good thing alone.


Well-Known Member
i started this thread to find out if i could strip the roots of soil and re pot........
then i was told i cud
so i tryed hoseing it and it was too compact with roots all ready

so there u go i started the thread to get answers,, i got answers,, wich gave me confidence to try it,, then i tryd it but was unsuccesfull,,

the thread was to find out if u can do bare root transplants,, and the thread tought me that u can,, aslong as the plant aint to astablished the medium,, wich the ak was,,, well astablished,, wich i didnt know until i tryd the bare root transplant,, the soil was there to stay the roots diddny wanna let it go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

does this answer you all,, as to why i started the thread,,, i took the advice but the plant was to far gone to held

now people like me who want to know this now know if they read this thread,,, because of this thread and bricktops info ppl now know that bare root transplants wont harm your plants if done correctly it is totaly possible to do

or do u all still think this thread was a waste ov time?????????????

ive learnt from it and im sure other ppl will learn from it,,
ok i just moved into the flowering stage 1 plant was 16 inches and the other was 13inches i turned light off for 24 hrs and now i am on a 12/12 how do i clone my plants and when


Well-Known Member

People have been transplanting from soil to soil for thousands of years. MJ plants are as strong if not stronger than most.:wall:
It's not something I recommend to people that give off the impression of being new to some basics like transplanting and such. As evidenced above, he tried it and failed. Would have been much easier to just rinse it off and move it into a hydroponics system, as the dense roots would have adapted quickly and the plant likely would have survived.

BRT is not for n00bs.


Well-Known Member
i wudnt of put it in hydyo no matter what,,
hydro is known best for its yeild
soil has proved better for taste and flava,,
greenhouse grow their crop in soil for the cannabis cup and their yeild per plant is unbeliveable ,,
in the hands of experts soil whoops hydro ,,
i defo no expert,,lol,, im only on a 5th grow but my total organic bud tastes alot better than my freinds hydro bud

how ever i must admit that an nft system looks appealing but as i grow only for myself i preffer aiming at pure quality not quantity
ok so i only get arround 2oz dry per plant but 10oz of hg to myself lasts me like 10 weeks and that saves me from putting 1500quid in some one elses pocket for damp weed ,that when u dry it an oz is like 3/4oz,,

You can most definitely do it. As I said we do it at our nursery often and I have done it a number of times myself with pot plants.

One thing about sites like that is that there is so much personal opinion and myth and urban legends passed around under the guise of being facts that facts and things that work and can be done are often times very seldom mentioned and instead personal opinions and myths and urban legends are told as being facts.

Incorrect information and misinformation abounds on sites like this and unfortunately much of it has taken on an air of factuality when it is anything but.

So yes you can do it. If you follow the steps I mentioned, unless your plant(s) are already to far gone, they will be just fine.
What would be the best way to go about doing this if trying to wash away unfertilized potting soil on about 3 week seedlings to transplant them into 100% perlite in a simple hempy bucket hydro setup..... Should I just try to wash away the soil and carefully place the perlite around the roots or...?

Brick Top

New Member
What would be the best way to go about doing this if trying to wash away unfertilized potting soil on about 3 week seedlings to transplant them into 100% perlite in a simple hempy bucket hydro setup..... Should I just try to wash away the soil and carefully place the perlite around the roots or...?

I have never used a hydro setup and I have never used 100% Perlite but what I mentioned will work perfectly fine as long as the plants are not already too far gone.

After that the question needs to be answered by someone who has done the things you are considering doing. I could venture a guess but I hate to do that and avoid it if at all possible considering what it at stake for someone.
I have never used a hydro setup and I have never used 100% Perlite but what I mentioned will work perfectly fine as long as the plants are not already too far gone.

After that the question needs to be answered by someone who has done the things you are considering doing. I could venture a guess but I hate to do that and avoid it if at all possible considering what it at stake for someone.
I understand. The plants are in perfect condition though. I just recently learned about that simple hydro method called "hempy buckets" as you can see in a thread here on the first page and would like to convert some of these started plants over to that setup, but I'm a little nervous to just directly transplant the root/soil mass into the perlite, because I think overtime the hydro nutes might build up too much in the soil (although the soil section would only be the size of party cups).... So, I think trying to wash away msot of the soil would be best.... maybe I should do it when the perlite is still dry since it'll be easier to get it around the roots and then water through it so it kinda takes shape around them... any thoughts?

Brick Top

New Member
If you want my pure opinion and not facts I would say follow the steps I mentioned and remove all the soil from the roots and then use whatever system you want to starting out with totally bare roots.

I would still say it is best for your soil to be moist to wet when you do it because it will come off the roots easier and quicker than if it is dry but if you want to experiment while doing it that is your decision.


Active Member
Between urban legend and actual truth I just did the root flush yes some were damaged in the process compared to what everybody said only one of my plants is drooping the rest are thriving within 10 minutes almost as if they preferred the new soil better I also buried The stem on each to act as if a clone stem to sprout new roots up Incase the bottom roots Don’t take or die off this is pictures of 20 minutes after and I will keep updates...
Also I’m keeping 250 W full spectrum LED lights on and added two extra hundred watt gro bulbs from Amazon On a 24 on zero off schedule I have a lot of experience with plants but not much with marijuana so I won’t say I’m a professional but I hope this helps somebody that was like me in my position with no forum or Information to go off of I just look at it like it’s a high stress training for the plant and being so young and far away from flowering it should grow a stronger plant now...


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Update three days after complete soil transfer washing away the soil from the roots and even destroying some of the roots in the process here are my plants They have doubled in growth

Both pictures are of the same plant three days apart so for all those who say you cannot completely washed away all the soil here is proof
Congrats I guess but why reply to a thread from 2009?


Well-Known Member
Congrats I guess but why reply to a thread from 2009?
I’m glad for once that someone did revive it. I’ve got guys literally freaking out when I advise using skewers to pierce the medium and the hardened root mass under the plant. Literally freaking out like I advise it so people’s plants are damaged. Not only do they survive it they thrive from it. Usually immediately.

First DWC I ever did I bathed the roots of a month old plant totally free of organic material. Warm running water. Then into the net basket (which I learned was too small) and into the soup. It never missed a beat.


Active Member
Congrats I guess but why reply to a thread from 2009?
If I found this thread looking for help with my problem others will and knowledge from forums isn’t based on time it’s added to so people can see progress and error but also Start a new thread when there’s already one with information on the subject not trying to come at you crazy only just replying to your question but thanks for the congrats maybe you can give me some knowledge for the future? Do you think The stress that my plants were under will cause them to turn male being that they were only bag seeds