can i put my plants into flower and put them outside when ever?


Active Member
As the title says can I put them outside when ever? My light schedule here doesn't switch to 12/12 till September 25th so I don't think that is a factor. I wanted to used advance nutrients bud blood to get them flowering and have them inside until I see them start bud them put them outside.


Well-Known Member
If the sun is up during your 12 hr lights period you sure can. Just do not put them around roses (aphids) or berrys. I would not worry about the sun or heat.


Well-Known Member
As long as your plants don't get more light then they do indoors.

Some plants can easily revert back to vegatative state, so I would wait till at least half way through the flower cycle. Switching from indoors to outdoors is a tough call in my opinion.

Stress factors can cause the plants to do weird things.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's light schedule turns to 12/12 about that time. 12/12 is used exclusively in indoor growing. Plants flower outside as they sense the days becoming shorter.

If you wanted to avoid stressing your plant you would have to wait until the light is the same or close to the same as the schedule you had it on inside, which, like you said, won't be until September.


Active Member
I'm new to these strains so I'm so sure what to expect I'm thinkin about trying an experiment with a cutting to try it that bud blood is awesome stuff start seeing flowers the second day. I was just trying to think of a way to get an outdoor crop early I was thinkin about just covering them up after 12 hours of light I guess if it was that easy it would be more comman knowlage


Active Member
I'm new to these strains so I'm so sure what to expect I'm thinkin about trying an experiment with a cutting to try it that bud blood is awesome stuff start seeing flowers the second day. I was just trying to think of a way to get an outdoor crop early I was thinkin about just covering them up after 12 hours of light I guess if it was that easy it would be more comman knowlage


Well-Known Member
If you are growing a pure indica in 12/12 and its flowering, you can put it out and leave it out, it will continue to flower and be ready after the 8 weeks (or so).


Well-Known Member
Even if there is still fourteen or so hours of light?
Just read it in June 09 High Times, "Make Indica dominate clones flower indoors with 12/12 for 4 weeks, them move them outdoors the summer sunlight and warm temps. Many indica strains will continue to flower even thought they don't get the 12 hrs of uniterrupted dark.
These early bloomers will be ready for harvest in 4 -6 weeks after you take them outdoors." :joint:


Active Member
that is so the answer i was looking for! good lookin out on that one guys i appreciate it


Active Member
well i guess the g13/haze is out :-( dang i wanna taste it my big plants the are out doors look so pretty its a very feminine lookin plant. it just looks like a pretty girl all sleak and thin yet stalky and firm. anyone ever try this strain outdoors? this is my first go around with it over all i was under the impression it was a sensitive plant and its far from that i think! either that or i just have good luck ive made a lot of little lazy mistakes and havent payed well not yet we will see how the buds turn out. my mistakes came from this is the first time i have ever used a full line of nutes i have pretty much every thing from advanced nutrients. great company by the way awesome customer support. anyways ive never done the whole ph and ppm and follow an exact schedule. ive always done the all purpose furtelizer and good dirt. i have some big plants out side but i took some cuttings before i stuck em out and i was hoping i could do the whole flower then stick em out thing early. im definatly trying that with the giga bud and the pure power, ive read some post from people saying they werent happy with there free seeds. they must of been doing something wrong because my shit is turing out awesome!