can i put my female back into veg


Active Member
started out with nine ww seeds ended up with 4 females and was wondering if i could put one back in veg instead of trying to take cuttings btw they have only just shown sex yesterday


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. The plants have only just shown sex, they haven't flowered or been harvested. In order for your girls to be officially "re-vegetated" they have to have been flowered and harvested first. Otherwise they're just growing as normal. It's the re-veg technique itself that's not quite so "normal". Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. The plants have only just shown sex, they haven't flowered or been harvested. In order for your girls to be officially "re-vegetated" they have to have been flowered and harvested first. Otherwise they're just growing as normal. It's the re-veg technique itself that's not quite so "normal". Make sense?
Are you thinking of a multiple harvest? I think the op is thinking of just stopping the flowering phase and putting them back into the vegging stage not a multiple harvest.


Well-Known Member
Are you thinking of a multiple harvest? I think the op is thinking of just stopping the flowering phase and putting them back into the vegging stage not a multiple harvest.
Yes, that's exactly what I had in my head. I guess I misunderstood what the original poster's intention was. sheesh.