Can i put clones on floor of grow room instead of under fluros??


Active Member
im about to cut a tray of clones and leave town for over a week, im going to leave the the clones in a tray with ahollow bottom inside of another tray, over some airstones.

my friend said i should just leave them on the floor of my grow room instead of under fluros or cfls, he said he does it a lot and it works great. i just have a 400w and would put them on a book or something to help keep them warm, and right on the floor.

im scared to use a heating pad and have it dry up all my water over the next week.

has anyone rooted clones this way? does it work just as good?

any help or ideas would be great


Active Member
I've never done it. I do know that fucking with the photoperiod probably isn't a good idea with clones, but at worst they'd just be quite delayed in rooting. I doubt they'd start to bud in seven days unless you've got a very sensitive strain. Either way you look at it, if your only choice is to not cut clones, whaddya got to lose? You're behind schedule you're behind schedule, but if it works then you've just discovered another way to do more with less. Worthwhile.


Active Member
Are you gonna have someone mist the leaves for ya? They need misted 4 times a day unless they already have some tiny roots at least. The misting is their only way to drink until they get some roots.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. You need someone to watch them unless you have a aero cloner. In rockwool or like they need alot of care.
I use my veging 600hos for rooting my clones in a aerocloner. I just cover the top so they only get reflected side light.
100% for last year. And takes 2 weeks, can set your clock by it.


Active Member
ok well my other plants are still vegging so i wasnt really concerned with the amount of hours of light they were getting, my real problem is leaving them for almost 2 weeks. what i am trying to do is not have anyone check on them or mist them at all while im gone. im hoping the airstones and evaporation of the water will keep my dome moist enough. i made a little diagram of what i did real quick. i already cut the clones, no going back now. i only cut 14 so i can do more when i get back if something goes wrong. im using my ballast like a heating pad and have my tray right next to my 400w closet with the door open. i just have one small 26w cfl about 6 inches above the trayclone tray.jpg